"He's a good kid.", Grey says. There's a look on his face i can't interpret.

"Yeah.", I respond. "I just hope life doesn't treat him the way it has treated me."

He nods. "I can't lie to you and say i understand because i obviously don't but what i can tell you, is that it gets better. It may not seem that way now but things will change.", He gives me a sympathetic smile. "Trust me."

"I'm sorry, but I don't believe that.", I respond running a hand through my braids. "I can't believe that."

"Why?", He questions.

"Because then I'll let my guard down and the moment i do that life throws misery right at me." I blabber. The emotions i wish i felt right now carefully hidden and ignored.

Grey's eyes meet mine. The green is enticing and for quite sometime i don't say anything. The world feels like it's moving whilst I'm still. Students and teachers pass by but I feel like I'm in my own bubble. Like everything else is external.The feeling disappears when Grey speaks.

"You want to hear a story?", He asks. I can see vulnerability in his eyes. He doesn't wait for me to answer. "There was a kid -- around Henry's age -- his parents left home on a business trip and never returned. He was told they had an accident and died on the spot. At the time, being so young, He didn't understand the depth of things." He sighs. "He was sent to his aunt's house and she," he lets out an airy chuckle. "Was a bitch. The woman didn't care about him at all. She ignored his presence most times and the few times she gave him attention it wasn't the kind he craved. He had lost all hope then and he was convinced he was meant to live a life of misery, that is, until his aunt had a heart attack and he was sent to his grandmother. His last living relative. Now, the grandmother, she was his angel. She loved him to bits and all that love he craved, he got."

I don't speak. I keep my mouth sealed and listen to the story. The sadness radiates off of Grey and a frown makes its way onto his face. "Moral of the story: it will get better."

"That's one heck of a story.", I say. "Did you read that somewhere?"

He smiles slightly. "You could say that." Grey gathers his food. "I have to go now. I have a lesson in a couple of minutes. I'll see you later?"

"Yeah, sure."

He leaves. Todd and Charlie serenade to me several minutes later. Both are are in evident shock.

"Did i just see the English sub leave our bench?", Charlie asks. Her emerald eyes are opened wide. So wide she looks like she doesn't have eyelids at all.

"No. You saw Gr-Mr White leave after having lunch with me.", I respond popping a carrot into my mouth.

"Last week you were all worked up about the rumours. What changed?", Todd inquires.

"Nothing. I just figured all these snooping bitches needed something to talk about and i thought I'd give them what they want.", I shrug. "Plus he's actually good company. Better than you, Toddy." Todd passes me a scowl. I laugh openly at his reaction.

"Okay.", Charlie drags the word and gives me a sceptical look.

The couple sits infront of me. Whilst Todd pulls out a burger, Charlie pulls out two thick books and starts to study.

"Aren't you supposed to be on a diet?", I give Todd a look. "And what's the point of lunch if you're going to study instead of eat?" I motion to Charlie.

"I was on a diet.", He explains. "I just gave up." Charlie stays focused on her book. Chances are she didn't even hear what i said.

"Oh wow. I love the dedication.", I say sarcasm lacing my tone.

Todd takes a gigantic bite of his burger and chews loudly until, finally, he swallows. I only notice now that Charlie is too invested in the process of digestion to care about what we're talking about. Or maybe she's just too occupied to answer.

"Guys.", I clear my throat. "you ever been to the beach."

Charlie nods. "Couple of times. It's not as nice as they make it seem in the movies, trust me."

"That's because you didn't listen when i told you to put on some sunscreen."

"I don't like he smell, bub. It messes with my sinuses."

"You gotta put it on whether you lik-"

"Hello! Still here.", I say. The two look at me and end their small squabble. I sigh at how hectic conversations with these guys can be.

"Why'd you ask anyway?", Charlie inquires.


"Oh, poor little guy. You want to to take him?", Charlie asks. "There's this really beautiful place in the Bahamas. It's just so pretty."

"Aha.", Todd hums. "The view is just amazing."

I nod. "You should sleep at the T.......", Charlie says.

Charlie's words trail off and i don't catch much of the conversation after. I torture my self with thoughts of  how the hell am I going to get enough money to visit the Bahamas.

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