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I dip a dry fry into some brown sauce and toss it into my mouth. The dry food item is cold and tasteless in my mouth save for the slight tang the sauce offers. I don't care to ask what the sauce is called.

Henry is sat peacefully infront of me on the other side of the table showing Grey his colouring. The two seemed to get along quite well after Grey got him to stop crying back at his school. I intended to go home right after picking Henry up but after he begged me for five minutes, i gave in and we ended up at a diner across town.

Henry became great friends with Grey when Grey gave him one of his sketches to colour.

"Did-did you draw t-this?", Henry had asked. Grey only nodded his reply and that was enough to get Henry smiling and colouring. I almost forgot he was crying only minutes ago.

Henry whispers something in Grey's ear. The look on Grey's face tells me he just said something highly alarming. He whispers back into my brother's ear and this gets Henry to snicker. I'm highly concerned by this but it's not everyday Henry opens up to someone. They both look at me and this only makes me wonder: what did they just say to each other?

"It's getting late so we should probably be on our way.", Grey says. I want to agree with him but before i can get any words out Henry speaks.

"Sissy, can Grey p-pi-ick me up again t-tomorrow?", He asks excitedly. I want to find an excuse because it's not up to me. It's up to Grey and even if i agree who says he wants to do this again.

He gives me a cornering look. His gaze shifts to Grey and it seems Grey understands the message without having to ask.

"I'd love to do this again.", Grey looks at me for permission. "Only if your sister agrees."

"Please, s-sissy. I'll clean my room and get ready for school faster. I'll even do my homework."

Left with no choice i agree. "Fine. If you do everything you promised me."

The pout on his face is erased to welcome a wide grin. I get up. "Now let's go." I grab my jacket and wait for Henry to hop off the chair to hold his hand. Before i can take his hand Henry puts his hand into Grey's. Great, I've been replaced -- by my English teacher for that matter.

The ride home isn't as quiet as i would prefer. Grey and Henry have a long and loud conversation about some cartoon i don't know. I tell Grey to keep his eyes on the road over three times.

On our arrival home i get Henry to change and do his homework. He does excatly as he promised, a clear indication to his seriousness about Grey picking him up. We clean up after and retire to our bedrooms.

I tuck my little brother in and place a small kiss on his forehead as i always do. I switch off the lights in his room save for the lamp on his bedside table. "Good n-night, Bin.", He whispers when i reach the door.

"Good night, my little prince." I see a light smile on his white face before i close the door and go to my room.

"I really wonder what i did to deserve this.", Charlie said exasperation spilling out of her. She puts her head in her hands. "You guys should have stopped me."

"Stopped you? Charlie, you had a whole future set to this. You were so ready to be a surgeon you kinda let you mind skip over the learning part." Todd says.

I shrug. "I just generally didn't have the capacity to talk you out of anything -- i still don't."

Todd throws me a glare. It's funny how he's the one glaring now when it's usually me who does that. I stifle a chuckle.

"It's not that bad, bub. You're brilliant, you'll be fine. It's just one C. It can't possibly be that bad."

Charlie scoffs. "Easy for you to say. My dad will have my head for this", she pauses for effect and looks Todd right in the eye. "Literally."

Todd just keeps rubbing her back for comfort. It's clearly not working. She lets out a groan followed by a deep breath.

"I can do this.", She convinces herself. "I can pull this off."

Todd helps convince her and just when she seems calm again she bursts. "Who am I kidding, there's no getting out of this. I'm a failure."

"You're actually more likely than Todd and I to actually finish school.", Todd gives me a look. "Todd might fail his As and give up whilst i may not live long enough to finish, not that my grades are any better than Todd's."

Todd gives up as Charlie slams her head on the table. "So motivational, Bin.", Todd says sarcasm dripping from his tone. I throw him a tight, fake smile.

Charlie raises her head from the table and checks her watch. Her exhausted expression turns to one of pure alarm.

"Shit! I'm late for my extra credit classes.", She literally jumps from her sitting position and gathers her things. Strings of curses leave her pink lips before she runs towards the classes without so much as a goodbye.

A yawn leaves my lips. "As much as I'd love to keep you company, Toddy, i have to go." I start to gather my things just in a more normal pace than the one Charlie used.

"Aren't you going to wait for Charlie so we can leave together?", Todd asks a single brow raised.

"I can't. I made a promise that i, as unbelievable as it sounds, intend to keep.", I wink. "I'll see you when I do."

I leave him with a mock salute.

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