"She did not realise her life was to end. All she knew was him and what his warm embrace offered. 'Take me with you', he said. 'Where to?', she asked him confused. 'To the paradise after life. To a place where there is no strife.'"

"From that short paragraph what can you say about the plot.", Mr White asks.

A guy i recognize from my history class, Dean, raises his hand. "The plot is.....how do I say this? Boring."

"Boring on what grounds, Mr Atkins?"

"It's the typical Romeo and Juliet scenario. One lover dies and the other follows. It's rather boring at this point.", Dean explains.

"Interesting. Miss Addams?", His gaze shifts to me. "What do you think?"

Remember when i said i wouldn't read the story? Turns out: i was right. I don't even know where I put the paper. I shuffle in my seat thinking of some vague answer.

"It's unrealistic.", I blurt out. I don't think about my answer but it's already out there and there's no going back.

He raises an eyebrow, intrigued, i assume. "And why is that?"

"Because love is just a fairytale we read about. It doesn't actually exist.", I pause and take a breath. Mr White's gaze is fixed on me. Like he's trying to figure out what goes on in my head but he just can't see it from where he is. "Love is something we're given a hint of just so that we can let our guard down and get hurt. It's a bloody façade, if you ask me. A plot by some smart Aleck to get us to destroy ourselves voluntarily."

A blonde girl, whose name i don't care to remember, chips in, rudely. "Thats a bold generalisation. I think it's a beautiful story. Why do you think most romance novels, to this day, are written in the same perspective? It's a master piece."

"One man's masterpiece is another man's rubbish.", Mr White says. "That's it for today. I would like each of you to write something. I will pass around a basket and everyone will pick a topic. You'll each have a week to work on that."

The basket is passed around by Alexandra and everyone picks a topic. Mine just so happens to be 'aesthetic'. Talk about complicating my life. My blank expression turns to one of pure frustration, a clear contrast to the smiles and jolly laughs of the people around me who've probably picked simple topics.

Mr White, as usual, packs his bag and ends the class. We all shuffle to grab our things and leave.

"Miss Addams, a word.", He calls from behind me. I sigh. He's probably going to ask me about my grades. I hitch my bag up on my shoulder and walk over to his desk. I can feel the beady eyes of the girls in my class glaring holes into the back of my head. I pay it no mind.

Mr White waits for the class to clear out before he speaks. "I believe there's a reason for everything.", He clears his throat. "I want to know yours for not doing any of the work I've given you."

"I--I.....", I bite my lip.

His forest green eyes droop. You can see how tired he is in them. "You start tutoring tomorrow afternoon after lunch. Meet me at the pavilion. We can have our lesson there."

"What?", I'm left shell shocked as he walks out of the classroom.


I rub my temple with my index fingers. I've been having headaches more frequently lately. I pull out a cigarette and light it. The smoke warms me from the inside out. I blow out a puff of smoke.

"You don't look so good.", Charlie points out, raising her head from the pages of her Biology book.

"I don't feel so good either.", I take in more smoke and expell it after a few seconds.

Charlie gives me an odd look. "Does this have anything to do with the Substitute teacher Todd told me about?"

I nod and massage my temples once again. The movement worsening my predicament.

"I, honestly, wish i got a substitute for all my classes.", She sighs loudly. "It'd save me a butt load of work, you know."

"Easy for you to say. This new substitute", I make air quotes on the word substitute. "Made me a tutoring timetable. Apparently i need extra work to catch up."

"Aren't you a prodigy at all things English?", Charlie asks me a fiery brow raised.

"I wish.", I chuckle, wincing at the pain the movement causes. I throw my finished stub on the ground and put it out with my foot. "It's, unfortunately, just with poems."

"Oh, there's a difference?"

"Isn't it bloody obvious. You're supposed to be the smart one out of the both of us.", I put in.

"Funny.", She mutters.

Todd walks over with a grin too big to be real. Not so unusual for him though. He places a kiss on Charlie's cheek before she pushes him away playfully, claiming she wants to finish her research. He sits next to her on the grass and places her on his lap.

"Oh, god!", I complain. "Pull my eyes out of their sockets, won't you."

Todd chuckles then turns to me. "Woah, you look like shit", he voices. "I've been told.", I respond exhaustion lacing my tone. I rub my face with the palm of my hand.

"Yeah, I told her.", Charlie says playing with Todd's hoodie.

"Damn, you sick or something?", His eyes go wide. "Don't tell me you have another hangover."

"As tempting as that sounds, no. I actually don't.", I exhale. "I'm just tired."

"You should consider sleeping, i hear it's great for ones health.", Todd says sarcastically.

"Okay, before you have another Todd and Binnie moment: we have to go.", Charlie puts in pointing at Todd then me.

"Groovy.", I say. "I have to pick Henry up anyway so bye."

I pick up my bag and stand up. Todd and Charlie wave me goodbye as we go out separate ways.

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