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SHE'D BE A LIAR if she said she wasn't on the verge of passing out in that very moment.
Being within the first rows of her favorite band's concert was all she could ever think about, now that the moment was now, she might had just died right there.

She was a bit nervous, her heart racing every time the lead singer's eyes crossed paths with hers.
To which it'd happened so many times she thought she was delusional.

Bill looked over the front row as if searching for something. He eventually met her eyes once again, her heart felt as though it dropped to her feet.
Pointing at her, he made a motion to come forward.

Yes, she was definitely delusional.

As her friends ushered her to go for it, she realized the true reality of it.

Was she dreaming?
No, it was real. His hand reached out to her, not to her left, to her right.
To her.

As she reached the first row, able to step onto the stage, she looked at him hesitantly.
Thousands of people watching, she should've melted at that moment. He smiled and reached out his hand, just a few inches away from hers.
She took it, letting herself be pulled onstage.

His hand was warm, contrasting the cold bracelets that almost stung her skin.
Bill's eyes never left hers, he let go of her hand to wrap it around her waist.

In that moment her heart was racing, it felt as though if she didn't calm down it would plunge right out of her chest.
Bill didn't stop singing, looking down at her with a small smile.

His face was only mere inches away from hers, only the microphone in between them as he continued to sing.
It could've been her fan-girling, but Bill looked beyond dreamy under the bright lights. His hips swaying against the beat, he was so close to her she forgot how to breathe a few times.

As the song came to an end, his hand still on her waist, his eyes seemed to scan her expression, as if to determine what she was feeling at the moment.
Said moment really felt like it lasted a few years, though simply being less than five minutes. The song had ended, and an outburst of applause overpowered Bill's voice.

To which he took the opportunity to put his mic down, leaning into the girl in front of him.
"Nervous?" He almost yelled, trying to get the girl to hear him over the screaming, a small apologetic smile on his face.
[Y/N] smiled widely and shook her head, "I can't believe you're standing right there!" She replied, making Bill laugh a little.

She watched him mouth a few more words, but the noise made him inaudible. [Y/N] tried to ask him to repeat himself, but he just smiled and shook his head as to say 'nevermind'.

"Careful on your way down." He commented, holding out his hand for her to take as she walked towards the steps.
She took it, carefully walking down the steps before she looked back to see him in close proximity one more time.
It wasn't even a few seconds before she was practically tackled by her friends when she got back to her spot, all screaming and expressing their jealousy.

Her mind was swirling in itself, and she couldn't stand straight for the rest of the performance.
[Y/N] never considered herself an insane fan girl, but the amount of times she swore she saw Bill looking her way for the rest of the night made her rethink her status.

The venue was closed, as well as the night over.

Her breathe making a cloud against the cold air, she shivered lightly against the thin wind that passed her.
It was much warmer in the venue, the contrast almost making her hypothermic as she longed for the heat of her car.

Her friends had went in their own cars by now, leaving her to drive herself home.
After navigating the parking lot like a madman, she managed to locate her small black car, which blended into the night and made it no easier to try and find it.

She looked around cautiously, careful of creeps. It was as if it were on cue that she started being cautious when a hand grabbed her shoulder, making her jump.

[Y/N] turned around quickly, only to be met with a face far too familiar.
Her eyes were wide, registering the being in front of her.
Bill was smiled nervously at her, his signature hair flattened down by a hat, and his hands holding a newspaper to hide the side of his face visible the parking lot.

The girl looked at him in disbelief.
"I didn't get your name." Was all he said, handing her his phone.
Could that have been what he'd tried to say earlier?

As if she weren't already shocked, she looked at him skeptically as she eyed the phone.

"What are you doing?" She asked, her breath short. "What are you doing.. here?"
"I was looking for you." Bill nudged the phone towards her, "Your number," He smiled, "Please?"
[Y/N]'s jaw almost dislocated, her mouth slightly agape as she looked at him in disbelief. "Mine?"


She looked at him once more, her eyes still wide before she broke into a genuine smile.
Despite her struggle of processing the situation, [Y/N] wasn't going to deny her only idol's request, she prayed it wasn't a joke, or a dream.

Typing her number into the phone, she saved it under her name.
As she did so, she looked up at Bill, who stood watching her patiently. Though he did seem a little on edge, looking behind him multiple times to determine if someone was there.

"Here," [Y/N] said, returning the phone. Bill looked at the screen, the girl's contact displayed. He smiled even wider.

"Thank you." He said, obviously happy. [Y/N] smiled in return, her mind practically about to explode from the entire interaction.
"I couldn't-"
The moment didn't last long, a scream erupting from the other side of the parking lot. On instinct, the two whipped around to see the commotion.

A fan caught sight of Bill, practically running towards him. The noise caught the attention of another, and another, and another.
As well as the attention of a few reporters previously trying to catch any TH members leaving the venue.

"I'll see you soon," Bill said, looking down at her contact to learn her name. "[Y/N]."
The girl laughed, "I'd like that."

She watched him scurry off, his pathetic attempt at hiding behind the newspaper soon did him no good as he was surrounded by reporters a couple feet away from her car.
Still, she took the chance to get away, her mind still racing.
However, it was still cold, as much as she'd like to stay and watch Bill simply exist, hypothermia was bound to hit her soon.

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