.001 1/5 [ BILL KAULITZ ]

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IT WAS NOT a crush, but being around him simply made her day better. Not that it was unusual to enjoy working, or that it was fair to pick favorite clients, but he was a favorite.

Still, she was quite baffled she stood in her very own hotel room, staring out of the window and directly at the flashy view she had of Vegas.
It was always a dream of hers to travel, though you wouldn't be surprised at the fact that being a makeup artist doesn't get you around much.

Snapping herself out of her trance, she quickly finalized her outfit with a few accessories before heading for the door.
[Y/N] paused for a moment, patting her pockets before tracing her steps backwards to find her phone.

On the small screen was a notification, she opened it, smiling at the message.
She and Bill had exchanged numbers the last time they saw each other, and she was nervous to see him again.

In general, it'd been a week since she last saw the band and almost two months since she'd met them, her heart racing to meet them again.
Without a doubt were they fun to be around, especially her client.

Standing in front of Bill's dressing room, she struggled to find the key she was given.
Being told to set up in his dressing room, they assumed it'd be locked and had given her a spare, though she was beginning to think she'd dropped it.
Accepting defeat, she knocked.

A familiar face opened the door after the click of a lock, his face lighting up once he saw her.
"Hi [Y/N]!" Bill greeted, stepping aside to let her in.

"Finally wearing some color." [Y/N] commented, looking at the male usually dressed in all black.
Bill smiled, "What do you think?" He asked, posing to show off his outfit.
Before she could answer, an arm propped itself around her shoulders, Tom leaning on her, almost making her tumble over. "What about my outfit, [Y/N]?" He joked.

The dread-head in question had his usual oversized outfit on, his shirt matching his hat, which he wore sideways.
"It's nice." [Y/N] replied, taking his arm off of her.
Tom laughed a little, "I know." He said, exiting the room.

She set her stuff on the table, looking at the time on her phone. "Your manager is rushing me, so take a seat, Bill."
The raven-haired twin did so, leaning on his palm as he waited.

[Y/N] turned around, about to start when she noticed his wrist. Raising an eyebrow, she gave Bill a confused look.
"Your cast," She mentioned, "Where is it?"

She referred to the injury that forbid him from doing his own makeup in the first place, the only reason she was there, really.
Well, the reason she was there in the first place.

Bill smiled widely, "I'm all better now." He said.

[Y/N] rolled her eyes, "Why am I still doing your makeup then?" She joked, dipping a brush in black eyeshadow.
The boy shrugged, "I wanted to keep seeing you." He said nonchalantly, though his expression gave away his nervousness.

Stopping for a brief second, she looked up from her palette to look at Bill. "What?" She blurted, immediately rethinking her choice of words.

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