Chapter 1

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Yes this book is based off of the movie knocked up. Also I don't really check my grammar mistakes so if that bothers you then don't read.

When Kiara woke up she had the worst hangover she had ever experienced in her life. It felt as if someone had hit her in the head with a bat multiple times and then ran her over "fuck..." She let out a groan and crawled out of bed not even noticing that she was naked or that a naked man was lying in her bed asleep. She rubbed her temple and made her way into her bathroom where she opened the mirror cabinet and grabbed a bottle of Tylenol and took a few.

When Kiara made her way out of the bathroom she froze. A guy was laying in her bed naked. Half of the sheet was falling off the bed exposing the guy's ass. This is when she noticed she was naked. She grabbed the feet off of the guy and made her way over to her dresser. She changed into her work outfit before taking a deep breath and turning back to the stranger sleeping in her bed. She didn't realize how drunk she had gotten last night. What the hell was she supposed to do with him "It's time to get up" she said and the guy didn't move or say anything. She then put her foot on the bed next to him and pushed down on it repeatedly until the guy jumped awake and looked at her "You need to leave I have to work" she said simply. The blonde man looked around confused before noticing he was naked "No round 2?" He said and her eyes widened.

"Kidding" He smirked and stood up from the bed not even doing anything to cover himself up. Kiara quickly looked up at the ceiling so she wasn't staring directly at it- him. Directly at him. He grabbed his boxers off the floor and pulled them on along with his pants "You can look now."

"Right... well I'll show you the door now..." her voice trailed off as she tried to remember the guy's name.


"JJ, right I'm Kiara" she cleared her throat "but I should really get going to work so let me show you out" She lead him out of the guest house. As they were walking across the backyard and the swing set Kiara noticed her best friend Sarah looking out the kitchen window with a smirk on her face "This is it uh bye" she said leaving him by the exit of the fence. She stopped a moment later when she heard his voice "Here's my email if you want to like hookup again, I don't gotta phone so" he said handing her a piece of paper before giving Sarah, who was now standing by the glass door and herself a small wave before leaving.

Kiara didn't really know what to do with the email she she just shoved the paper into her purse and made her way into Sarah's house. She had been staying with her friend Sarah and the woman's husband Topper since she had come back to the outer banks a little over six months ago.

"Wow you brought bar guy home, I'm a little shocked he's not usually your type" Sarah said as she cut up some fruit for her two sons. Kiara had just been promoted at her job so Sarah took her out to celebrate "I don't have a type" she said pouring herself some coffee into her silver cup Sarah just hummed in response.

"Mommy James broked my Spiderman toy!" Henry ran in crying with his broken action figure. James ran in after him "Mommy he is lying! I didn't do it I didn't" he said crossing his arms.

"James go brush your teeth your father is taking you to school soon" she said in a stern tone and he frowned before making his way upstairs and to the kid's bathroom.

Sarah put her knife down and bent down so she was at eye level with her three-year-old "Mommy will see if she can put it back together how does that sound?" She said with a smile. Henry nodded and Sarah kissed his cheek "Go get your school bag" she said and he ran off.

"I don't know how you do it" Kiara chuckled.

"Do what?" Sarah said filling the boy's lunch boxes with fruit "Be such a good mom, don't think I could handle It" she sat down at the counter. Sarah chuckled "You get used to it, so what are your plans for today?" She looked at her best friend.

Kie smiled "It's my first day as part of the marine life rescue team so I'm going to be out on the boat saving some ocean life" she said excitedly. This has been her dream since she was little. She loves animals and she loves helping them so when she heard she got the promotion and could work with them hands on she was thrilled.

"Well as I've already said, I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks Sarah" she said before checking the time on her phone "I should probably get going now I'll see you later" Kiara then walked out of the house and to her car.


When JJ made it back home he walked into his house where he saw his roommate John B sitting on the couch watching tv "Where have you been?" the man said barely looking over at him.

JJ grabbed the bong that was on the table and took the lighter out of his pocket before sitting down "I was at this girl's house" he said before lighting the bowl of the bong and inhaling what was left of the weed.

"Shit dude how much did you smoke smoke while I was gone?" JJ punched him in the shoulder.

"There was hardly any left when I smoked bro."

JJ shook his head and stood up "I'll call my cousin."


The day before...

Kiara checked herself in the mirror to make sure her makeup wasn't smeared "You look hot now let's go" Sarah said grabbing her hand and pulling her toward the door.

Hours earlier she was informed that she got the promotion she had been working so hard for. Sarah insisted on taking her out to the club so she agreed even though clubs weren't her style.

"Bye babe" Sarah kissed her husband on the lips before the two made their way to Sarah's minivan.

"We're taking the minivan? wow, I can already tell we are about to party" Kiara chuckled and got into the passenger seat. Sarah rolled her eyes and got in, starting the car "I'll have you know just because I'm a mom and have a minivan doesn't mean I can't have fun."

"Oh I know I know" She held her hands up in surrender.


When they got into the club the music was loud and blaring, people were dancing and drinking all around them.

Sarah pulled her through the crowd and to the bar where she ordered them a couple of drinks "I'm only going to have one I have a parent-teacher conference tomorrow" she said.

"Wow Mrs.Thornton you are a party animal" Kiara smiled and drank her vodka. About ten minutes later they were in the middle of having a conversation about their teen years when they saw two men approach them.

"Hey, I was wondering if I could buy you a drink," the blonde said.

"Sorry I'm married" Sarah said.

"That's a shame," the other guys said.

"I was actually talking to your friend here" the blonde gave her a charming smile "I'm JJ this is my buddy John B," he said gesturing to the other guy.

Just like you Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora