Chapter 15

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Kie is having a horrible time.

Okay scratch that because that was a little dramatic, she just wasn't having the best time.
But then again who would at almost seven months pregnant in a bar? Kiara let out a sigh as she watched Sarah drink with her friends across from her. The group was currently doing shots, seeing who could down the most in a minute spoiler alert Sarah could.

"You okay?" JJ said putting his arm around Kie and whispering in her ear.

Kie looked at him before looking at her glass of Sprite that she was currently stirring with her small straw "I'm good, are you having fun?" she looked back at him. JJ shrugged "I mean I've got my arm around the hottest pregnant girl in this place and I have a nice cold beer in my hand, I guess I'm doing pretty alright" he let out a small smirk and looked at her.

"You're such a dork" she chuckled.

"Dude I am about to score," John B said plopping down in the chair next to them. Both Kie and JJ looked toward the man "Sarah is like totally into me... and not to mention hot as hell I mean have you seen the rack on-"After hearing this much the blonde decided to interrupt his best friend "Okay! that's enough from you bro" JJ took the beer from his friend and gave him a glass of water "Drink this instead it's the best alcohol."

Apparently, John B was too drunk to notice he was drinking water but JJ wasn't going to point that fact out.

After John B finished drinking he stood up and made his way toward Sarah where he held out his hand and asked her to dance. This gave JJ an idea "Well... since you can't drink... well, anything fun anyways, do you want to dance?" he looked toward Kiara. The curly-haired girl raised an eyebrow "You know how to dance?"

"Oh yeah I'm the best out there" he stood up and held out his hand for her. Kiara set down her drink and took his hand, letting the man pull her up and lead her toward the dance floor where a slow song was currently being played.

"Is it okay if I put my hands on your waist?" he asked and she answered by taking his hands into her own and leading them down to her waist. Kiara wrapped her arms around JJ's neck and they slowly swayed to the music.

"Oh god what are we going to do with those two" Kie said laying her head against JJ's chest as he looked at Sarah and John B who were drunkenly holding each other. The blonde chuckled at the two "Send them in cabs on their way is what, but after this dance of course" he said pulling her pack to spin her.


Once Sarah and John B got home safely JJ walked with Kie out to her car "You need a ride?" she asked fishing for her car keys in her purse. The blonde nodded and the two got into the girl's jeep.

"Instead of taking me to the chateau, I need you to take me somewhere else... I kind of have something to show you" JJ said a bit nervously, luckily Kie couldn't tell he was. The woman nodded and started her car "Just put the address in my GPS."

"No need it's two blocks from where I will let you know where to go."


"What is this place" Kie got out of the car with JJ following behind.

"Just follow me" he took her hand and started leading her up the stairs and to the floor of his apartment "Close your eyes." Kie playfully rolled her eyes before closing them. JJ took out his keys and unlocked the door before leading her into the house.

"Just a little further," he said leading her through the doorway and to the room. He had been wanting to show her this since he was almost done with it. He didn't know how she would react or if she would even like it but he wanted to show her that he was ready for this.

"You can look now."

Kiara opened her eyes and looked around the room "JJ..."

The room was painted a light pink, a white crib was against the wall, and had a pretty mobile with hearts and flowers on it. JJ even got a rocking chair that had a teddy bear sitting in it "I know It's not much... but I wanted to show you what I've been working on for our daughter..." he said stepping close to her and resting his hand on where their daughter was resting.

"And I don't know... maybe you two could live here after she's born? if you want" he looked at her. Kie had an unreadable expression on her face for a moment before she all but threw herself around JJ, wrapping the man in a hug "This is amazing JayJ." It took the man a minute to reciprocate the hug but when he did he wrapped his arms around her and held her as close he could with the girl's bump separating them.

"I can't believe you did all this," she said against his chest.

"It's what she deserves."

When they pulled away from the hug Kiara turned back around to look at the crib. She noticed a teddy bear sitting in the crib "When did you have time to do all of this?" She said picking up the stuffed animal and smiling at it as she held it up to her stomach.

"I honestly threw it together in a few days" he chuckled.

"But do you like it?"

Kiara turned toward him and smiles "JJ this is amazing... I love it and our daughter is so unbelievably lucky to have you as her dad."

"I don't know about lucky..." The blonde put his hands in his pockets and looked down at his feet. Kiara furrowed her eyebrows and stepped closer to him "She is JJ, you are so incredibly sweet and thoughtful she's so lucky..."
JJ looked at the brunette before looking away again. Kie brought her hands up and put them around the blonde's neck "We're both lucky to have you..."

JJ looked back at Kie and into her eyes this time. They both were just staring into each other's eyes before JJ decided to slowly lean in and kiss her "shit... I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that" he immediately pulled away "JJ shut up" Kiara pulled back and connected their lips.

He brought his hand and cupped her cheek as he leaned in and deepened the kiss "I bought a bed..." he said against her lips. Kiara smirked, "you sure you're up for it this time?" She said looking into his eyes. JJ looked down at his erection poking out of his pants "I think that answers your question..."

I wasn't planning on including the smut next chapter but if you all want it lmk..

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