Chapter 9

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Working for Mike Carrera wasn't terrible? Okay, that was a lie, it was the worst thing ever. JJ gets that he knocked the man's daughter up but did he seriously have to be a dick to him all the time.

Mike practically threw the plates into JJ's hand "These need to be washed we have a full house and need as many plates as we can get" he said very aggressively, JJ almost fell from the force of the plates nodded through gritted teeth and set the plates in the sink and began to scrape all the food off of them.

When his break came up he took off the apron and hairnet he was wearing and hung them up before stepping out to the back of the restaurant. He took a lighter and join out from his pocket and lit it. He didn't know how he was going to survive working here but he needed to. He had responsibilities now he couldn't be slacking off like he had been.

He took a drag of his joint and looked out toward the water "Watcha smoking" he heard a voice and quickly put it out "Nothin'" he turned to the voice to see Kiara who was wearing a loose-fitting shirt, and short shorts.

"Yeah okay" she chuckled and reached for something in her purse "Put some of these in your eyes if my dad sees them red he'll fire you."

"Seems like you have experience," JJ said taking the eye drops from her.

"Let's just say I used to work here in my teenage years" she chuckled. The blonde nodded "So what brings you around these parts" he asked tilting his head back to add the eye drops.

"Oh I was just at a doctor's appointment thought I'd come get some lunch while I'm over here."

The blonde looked at her "A doctor's appointment? is everything okay? why didn't you ask me to come with I'm not a horrible guy I would've-"

"Okay first of all you can calm down" she chuckled slightly "and it wasn't one of those being big important ones you bring the father along with plus you're working."

"I'm sure your father would've understood me leaving for an hour," JJ said crossing his arms "So what did the doctor say? is the kid alright? still growin?"

"Yeah it's still growing, it was kicking away like crazy on the ultrasound" Kie chuckled and pulled out her phone to show him a video. The video shows a small baby kicking its little legs on the screen "It's already starting to form a face, look at its little nose" she said pointing.

"Already lookin' like me that's definitely a Maybank nose, I know a Maybank nose when I see it."

"In your dreams" Kie smirked before walking into the restaurant. JJ followed in a moment after. The brunette sat at the counter and her father turned around to serve her "What can I get you, sweetie?"

"Can I get a burger and fries?" she asked and he nodded and smiled at her. He looked at JJ slightly and glared before going to make his daughter some food.

"Glad to see he's warming up to me" JJ muttered as he say next to Kie. The girl looked at him "Give him some time."


JJ has been working at the wreck for two weeks now and he had finally gotten his first paycheck. He looked at the envelope before opening it and pulling out the check "A thousand bucks hell yeah" he said. He should probably cash this and keep it under his mattress or something. He nodded to himself.

When JJ got the check cashed he out the money in his pocket and got back on his bike a rode down the street.

He slowly came to a stop when he saw an apartment vacancy sign. It was only charging nine hundred a month. This area wasn't the best so he wasn't surprised about the price but it got him thinking.

Should he get his own place?

He's going to be a father now. He doesn't want to bring a crying baby over to John B's place whenever the baby was with him. JJ took out his new phone and took a picture of the vacancy sign that had the relator's number on it before starting his bike back up and riding it down the road.


"Oh look at its little legs," Sarah said putting her hands on her cheeks as she looks at the video on Kies phone "I can't even feel that yet and there's just like a whole person right there moving around."

"Are you going to find out the gender?"

"I mean I'd like to but I have to talk about it with JJ and see what he wants... but we can find out at my next appointment if I want, the doctor said he already saw what it was on the screen he just didn't tell me since I asked not to know yet."

"Well I'm calling it now it is a boy," Sarah said certainly.

"Oh is it?"


"Mommy! Mommy!" James ran into his parent's bedroom where Kiara and Sarah were "What's wrong?" Sarah said sitting up her mom mode activated.

"My tooth fell out!" James said holding up his tooth that had a bit of blood on it.

"You know what the means?" she said and the five-year-old shook his head "It means the tooth fairy is going to come and leave you some money."

"And I get a new toy?"

"Depending on how generous the tooth fairy decides to be" Sarah smiled "Now go put that under your pillow so you don't lose it," she said and the little boy ran off.

When Sarah looked back toward her friend the girl was smirking at her "Oh shush this is going to be you soon."

"Woah woah let's take a step back it's not even out of me yet."

"You've never thought about the baby and what it's going to be like?"

"I have just not as much as you would think... I think that's because I'm scared of the whole idea still." Sarah got back up and joined her friend on the bed "You're going to be a great mom you're already good with my kids who are little monsters."

Kiara chuckled at that "I guess you're right."

"I know I am, now let's go get you something to eat got to feed that baby" Sarah patted her thigh before getting up.

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