Chapter 5

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It had been about a month since Kiara found out she was pregnant she still wasn't showing. Her morning sickness was less frequent lucky for her. She walked into the house where she saw Topper wrestling with the boys in the living room while Sarah chuckled from her spot on the couch. Kie joined her best friend and sat down "Hey" Sarah smiled at her.


"Any plans for today?" The woman asked.

"Unfortunately, I am going over to JJ's house he's having a barbecue apparently and thinks it's the perfect opportunity to talk things over some more" she said and Sarah nodded "Well that's good you two really should talk, like how this whole thing is going to work with you two not being together and all."

"And if he is even going to stick around..."

"He will Kie he doesn't give me the vibe that he would ditch a girl he got pregnant" Sarah said. Kie sighed and stood up "let's hope... I don't feel like being a single mother, especially in this economy."


JJ walked around the house making sure everything looked presentable enough before walking into his room and changing into one of his clean shirts that had the old fishing company he worked for on it. This shirt was probably the nicest shirt he owned.

The blonde walked out "JB bring the patty meat out so I can start grilling she'll be here soon" he called out before making his way out of the chateau. He grabbed the bag of charcoal and dragged it over to the grill and put some in it before setting the tray back overtop. A minute later John B walked out with the tray of meat and set it down "Pope is on his way over with Cleo" he said.

"Good... Good maybe that won't make things awkward I think she hates me dude" JJ chuckled and pulled matches from his pocket and lit one up, throwing it in the grill to get the charcoal burning.

JJ wasn't the best at grilling he was more of a fix-your-car guy but he was going to try. He put a few of the patties on the grill they sizzled upon touching the metal "there we go" he said putting the lid over the burgers so they could cook. When he looked up from the grill he saw Pope and Cleo getting out of a truck and making their way toward the with a cooler "Yo" JJ smiled at them. Pope set the cooler down and the two did their handshake.


About an hour went by and JJ worried Kiara wasn't going to show up. She seemed to dislike him so he didn't blame her for not showing up. He sighed and put the last cooked patty onto the plate and set them on the table.

As he was about to tell his friends the food was done he saw a purple beep pull up and park next to the Twinkie. He saw Kiara step out of the car.

He put the spatula down and made his way over to her "Made it just in time I just finished cooking" he said before gesturing for her to follow him. He leads to into the house "everyone this is Kiara."

"I'm John B you met me at the club," he said. Kie nodded "Right."

"I'm Pope and this is Cleo it's nice to meet you" the man gave her a genuine smile.

"It's nice to meet you too" she nodded.

"Well is anyone hungry?"


When they made their burgers Kie and JJ made their way to the dock that was by the blonde's house. The two sat down and Kie looked up at him.

"How have you been feeling?" he asked.

"Better than I was, morning sickness is pretty much gone now" she said before picking up her burger and taking a bite of it "Thanks for the burger it's good" JJ smiled at that a nodded "Yeah of course."

"So I just wanted to talk about how this was all going to work... your pregnant... obviously" he said "and we're not together did you maybe want to get to know each other and give us a shot?"

"I don't know."

"Well that's a start..."

"I hardly know you I think we should just be friends for now... I think that's all I could handle at the moment everything is just too much right now" she said being honest with him.

"Yeah" he nodded "I get that."

They both continued eating for a bit when JJ stopped again "I got a phone" he said pulling out a flip phone "It's all I could afford right now but I wanted to have it just in case you needed me for anything."

"Thanks, JJ" she said giving him a genuine smile.

"Oh and I have this" he said pulling out a teddy bear "I know the kid is like the size of a penny but this was mine when I was little I wanted our baby to have it."

Kiara slowly took it into her hand and looked at it "That's so sweet..." she said before looking back up at him. He rubbed the back of his neck "It's nothing really but it's a start."

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