Chapter 11

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When JJ walked into work the next morning he couldn't help but think about Kiara. He hated how he got so freaked out about seeing her like that but can you blame him? there was a whole kicking baby that was in the middle of them and he couldn't let himself touch her in the way she wanted him to. The blonde put his hat on his hook before grabbing his apron and putting it on. He tied it around his waist and made his way toward the dishes but soon stopped when he heard Ms.Carrera call out for him "JJ I'm down a server so you aren't on dishes today" he said handing him one of the serving platters. JJ nodded and took the tray before making his way over to the counter where he already saw a few orders sitting out.

"This goes to table 2 and that goes to table 7," the cook said and JJ nodded and put them on the tray. He made his way to the first table and handed a lady her breakfast "Here you are ma'am" he said and the old lady smiled at him. Although he wasn't much of a people person he preferred serving much more than he did washing dishes. With dishwashing, he would always get food stuck under his fingernails and he would go home with his hands all pruned up. When he made it to the table he noticed it was two women around his age. They were both pretty hot, JJ thought to himself "Here you are" he said putting their dishes down. One of the girls eyed him up and down while the other gave him a grateful smile and began eating.

His shift for the next hour was pretty calm they only got about ten customers since it was so early in the morning "Are we done over here?" He said going back over to table seven where the girls were. The girls nodded and handed him the receipt and cash that they needed to pay for their order before walking away. He counted the money and noticed they left a forty-dollar tip "hell yeah" I said to myself and looked at the receipt noticing something written on it.

It was a phone number and next to it, it said call me with a smiley face and a heart.

JJ didn't know what to do with the number so he just stuffed it in his pocket before continuing on with his shift.


After his shift, JJ was riding down the street again when he saw the apartment we saw was for rent weeks ago. He stood there for a moment before locking his bike up and making his way to the manager's office of the apartment complex. When he entered he saw a lady sitting at the front desk with a cigarette in her hand. She looked up at him when she heard the bell and took one last drag of her cigarette before putting it out and swatting the smoke away "What can I do for you, darling."

"I saw that there is an apartment for rent I was wondering If I could take a look at it," he said and the old lady nodded and grabbed the keys to said apartment off the hook. She threw them to JJ "Bring the keys back when you're done, If you don't I got cameras with your face on them" she said and the blonde slowly nodded before stepping out and making his way to the apartment.

The apartment was on the top floor so he made his way up the stairs passing a few kids who were drawing with chalk on the way. When he made it to apartment ninety-six he put the key in and opened it. JJ walked into the apartment and whistled. This place was actually really nice, he thought to himself. The place had hardwood flooring and was actually pretty spacious. He made his way down the hall toward the bedrooms. He walked into one of the rooms and looked around the family living here before must've had kids. The wallpaper in the room had stars on it. He smiled at the thought of his future child sleeping in this room.

JJ took a look at the rest of the apartment and he was pretty much sold on the idea of renting it. The place was the perfect size and Kie and the baby could stay here if they wanted.

The blonde made his way back down to the office where he handed the keys back to the manager "I'd like to apply for the apartment" he said. She nodded and handed him the application paper "You will need to give a 2,000 dollar security deposit if you get selected for the place" she told him and he just nodded and took a pen out from his pocket and began filling out all of his information.


Kiara was laying on her bed reading a book she had gotten from a friend at work when she heard a knock at her door "Come in" she called out not looking up from her book.

"Hey Kie" she heard JJ say and she immediately closed the book and looked at him "Uh- hey."

He stood there awkwardly with his hands in the pockets of his pants "I wanted to apologize for the other day I made things all weird... I don't want things to be weird between us" he said. She shook her head "You don't need to be sorry I shouldn't have tried that with you again... we shouldn't."

"Well, I wouldn't say we shouldn't ever because yes, my memory may be a little fuzzy but I remember it being h-" he was cut off by Kiara gasping and putting her hand on her stomach. He looked at her with a face full of concern "Are you okay?" He asked and Kiara nodded and smiled. She took his hand and brought it over to her stomach where he felt something pushing against his hand "Is that...?"

"It has never done it to the point you could feel it from outside my stomach" Kiara explained. JJ sat down next to her and put his other hand on her stomach and felt as the baby moved around "I think we have an Olympic swimmer in there" the blonde said which made Kie chuckle. Kiara watched as JJ sat there in amazement as he felt the baby move, he even brought his face toward the swell of her stomach to tell the baby about his day.

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