Chapter 3

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When JJ woke up he felt the bed moving under him. What the hell, he thought to himself before looking up. The sun was hitting him directly in the eyes but he could make out the face of a beautiful woman. He then looked down at himself, he was naked. Cool. His head was pounding he could barely register the words she was saying "It's time to get up" she said shaking the bed once more.

"You need to leave I have work" she said.

"No round 2?" He said and when he saw the girl's eyes widen and the embarrassed blush coat his cheeks he quickly followed with "kidding."

JJ ran his hands through his dirty blonde hair before standing up and looking around the room for his clothes. He found his boxers on a chair and quickly put them followed by his pants which he found on the end of the bed. He looked up to see the girl looking away from him. He let out a smirk "You can look now" he said and the girl hesitantly looked back at him.

"Right... well I'll show you to the door now..." her voice trailed off. Did the woman really forget his name? He thought they had a pretty good time at the club "JJ."

"JJ, right I'm Kiara" The woman then went on to explain she had work again and began to lead him toward the exit of the house. Before he left he turned around and gave her his email address. He didn't know too much about the girl but she was really pretty. Kiara didn't reply but he saw her stick the paper in her bag before walking into the house. He took this as his cue to leave so he did.


"Dude catch" JJ said tossing his friend a fishing net. This proved to be a bad idea since John B had just gotten done smoking and his coordination wasn't the best when he was high. The blonde fell into the water and JJ immediately started laughing "When the hell man!" He rolled his eyes "Fuck you" John B said climbing back onto the boat and pushing him into the seat. JJ was still laughing his ass off at his friend's expense.

"Well whenever you're done laughing we should go farther out so we can catch more fish you know they aren't usually onshore around this time" John B said and JJ nodded. He and His friend John B didn't have jobs but they were trying to start up their fishing business and they had high hopes it would take off. They had been at this for a few weeks now and so far only caught a few fish but it was a start.

JJ started the boat and started taking them out to sea "What if we catch a shark."

"We aren't going to catch a shark."

"I know but what if dude."

"Then I'm going to throw the bong in the ocean and tell the coast guard you caught it before making a run for it," he said. JJ hugged the bong to his chest "Like hell you are this bong has been in my family for generations" he said.

When they got out far enough John B launched the net out and let it slowly sink down to the bottom of the seat. They both then sat there and patiently waited for something to happen. After about ten minutes JJ got tired of waiting so he got up and made his way to the cooler where he grabbed a cold beer and cracked it open before taking a sip.


They ended up catching five fish and selling them at the docks for about twenty dollars. Compared to what they usually made that was pretty good. JJ got out of his friend's van and made his way into the chateau.

He kicked a couple of beer cans out of his way before making his way to the kitchen and to the refrigerator. When he opened it all he saw was a bottle of ketchup, a takeout box, and a rotten apple. He ended up grabbing the rotten apple and cutting the rotten part out before eating it.

He made his way over to the computer and opened his email "Oh shit" he said with a smirk as he saw an email from the girl he hooked up with about a month ago. JJ opened the email and read it It seemed Kiara wanted to meet him for dinner. He didn't usually do that before hooking up but why not. He sent a quick reply saying he'd be there before standing up and making his way to the couch where he sat down with a smirk still resting on his face.

"What's wrong with you?" John B said coming out of the bathroom and drying his hair with a towel.

"Remember that girl I told you I hooked up with? She emailed and wants to hook up again" he said and they did their handshake "hell yeah brother score" John B said and JJ nodded.

"She wants to have dinner before which is weird but every girl is different I guess" He shrugged.


The next day when he walked into the restaurant he saw the woman sitting at a table she waved him over. He was a little afraid he underdressed but the restaurant the woman chose was one of those beachside places where people wore beach clothes.

"Hey" he said sitting down and glancing around "heard the food was good here have you had it before?" The place was really nice he liked that it was open and that they could see the sea while they ate.

"Uh yeah, my family owns the place," she said. JJ looked at her impressed "That's cool so are you like-"

"I'm pregnant," she said and he just sat there and stared at her.

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