Chapter 2

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Kiara groaned as she leaned against her bathroom wall. This was the fourth time that night she had woken up to throw up, which was weird for her since she was never one to get sick. She was always up to date on her shots and went to the doctor regularly. But people get sick, it was a part of life so Kiara wiped her mouth and grabbed onto the side of her tub to pull herself up.

The curly-haired girl made her way to her bed and crawled under her covers. She definitely couldn't go to work tomorrow not in her current condition so with the little energy she had she grabbed her phone off of her nightstand and sent a text to her boss. He almost immediately texted back telling her to feel better and that they would see her when she came back to work.

And with that Kiara closed her eyes and let herself fall into a calming sleep. That was until she felt her someone shaking her awake "Go away..." she said, her voice sounding very raspy. She was shaken again "You're going to be late for work Kie" Sarah said. Kie pushed the covers off her head and looked at her friend "I'm sick, I've been throwing up all night I'm not going."

"Shit Kie why didn't you tell me I would've taken care of you," the blonde said sitting on the bed. Kiara shook her head "You already have two kids to take care of you don't need a third" she laughed lightly. Sarah rolled her eyes "You're sick Kie that's way different, and you're lucky I'm off today and Topper is taking the boys to school because I'm going to nurse you back to health."

"Sarah you really don't have to" Kie started but was cut off by her best friend "I insist," the blonde said walking out of the guest house only to come back a moment later with a thermometer. She put it in the brunette's mouth and waited for it to beep before pulling it out and looking at the temperature "You have a 100-degree fever" she said "I'm going to get you some DayQuil and a cold rag for your head" she ran off again.

Kiara sighed and stared up at the ceiling.


It had been almost two weeks and Kiara was still sick. She threw up at least twice a day and she honestly had no idea what was going on with her. The curly-haired girl walked into Sarah's house and sat on the couch with a groan.

Sarah joined her a moment later and handed her a glass of orange juice "Hey... Um I have a question and please do not at all get offended by this okay?" Kiara took a sip of her orange juice and eyed her friend "Okay?" She said a little curious as to what her friend was about to ask her.

"Is there any chance that you could possibly be pregnant? And please like I said don't take any offense okay it's just you've been sick for nearly two weeks! And most colds or the flu are gone after 7 days."

Kiara almost laugh, no wait it she did laugh. That was the most absurd thing she had ever heard. There's no way she could ever be pregnant, not even a possibility "No, there's no way I am."

"Didn't you bring home that guy from the club?"

The brunette stopped and thought about it. Yea, she did Bring him home she honestly forgot about him up until now "Yeah, I did but what does that have to do with anything?"

"Well... did you two use a condom?"

"Yeah..." she said and Sarah gave her a look "No... I don't know! I vaguely remember him pulling one out I'm not exactly sure if it was used." Sarah sighed "Lucky for you I have a pregnancy test in my bathroom," she said and they both stood up and quickly and quietly walked up the stairs and to her bathroom "I thought you two were done having kids." Sarah shrugged and bent down, opening the cabinets to her sink "Accidents happen" She pulled out the box and handed it to Kiara. The brunette looked at the test and bit her lip a bit "You don't have to take it if you know you're not but it's better to be safe than sorry..."

Kie sighed before making her way over to the toilet and taking the test. When she was done she put the cap back on it and set it on the counter. Fuck. What if she was pregnant what was she going to do?

They waited about three minutes before picking the test back up "Oh fuck no" Kiara said standing up "Where are your keys?" She looked around. Sarah grabbed them from her purse "Here why?' The brunette grabbed them from her friend "Because there's no way those results are right she said quickly making her way down the stairs with Sarah quickly on her tail.


About five minutes later the two found themselves at their local cvs. They quickly ran to the feminine hygiene section, getting yelled at on the way there for running. Sarah and Kiara quickly grabbed as many pregnancy tests as they could get their hands on before making their way to the register.

The cashier gave them a weird look before quickly scanning all the tests. Sarah grabbed a cup and they made their way to the bathroom of the cvs. Kie peed in the cup and they both started opening the tests and putting them into the cup.

"You know I'll be here for you no matter the results kie."

"Shut up please."


After about five minutes Kiara grabbed two tests from the cup and looked at the results. But tests showed up positive "fuck" she shook her head and began to check every one of the tests she set in the cup.





Kiara just stood there for a moment before exiting the CVS bathroom and making her way out of the store. Sarah followed behind her "Kie..." she started but the brunette just shook her head "Can we please not talk about this."

Just like you Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon