Chapter 7

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"You sure you don't need any help?" Kiara asked as she stood off to the side and watched JJ struggle to get the trailer that had the boat on it attached to her car.

"I'm the man I got this- plus you're pregnant you don't need to be lifting anything," he said continuing to struggle.

"I'm 3 months, not 6 I can help no lifting needed," she said.

"I mean you can try but this thing is a bitch to get on-" his words soon died out when he watched as she twisted the handle and brought the trailer and attached it to the car. She twisted the handle until it was put down and locked in.

She looked at him with a smile "I just loosened it for you" he said. She rolled her eyes and got in her car "You can put your bike on the trailer and ride with me if you want."

"Yeah okay" he nodded "Let me know if you need help" She smirked and closed the car door. He chuckled before lifting his bike onto the trailer and strapping it in before hopping into the car.

"Ew, you stink," she said.

"What do you expect I spend most of my time in the sun... and we don't exactly live in Alaska." Kiara started her car and pulled out of the garage with the boat attached "Yeah but if we are going to spend more time together especially because of baby plum then you are going to need to shower."

"Baby plum?"

"The baby is the size of a plum thought I'd call it that" She shrugged and kept her attention on the road.

"Holy fuck isn't the size of a plum like this" JJ said holding up his hand and creating a plum shape. She nodded "Mhm" he just stared at her before looking back at the road.


This baby was growing faster than he thought it was. Maybe he should get a job.


When they pulled up to the dock John B was already sitting in the Twinkie waiting for him. JJ hopped out of Kiara's truck "Hey dude" the blonde said and whistled before pointing with his head to the phantom that was hooked to the back of the woman's truck.

"Wow, she looks even more beautiful than I remember," John B said walking up to the boat and running his hand along the side. JJ undid the boat and both men pushed it until it was in the water. The blonde tied the boat to the dock "All ready" he said before holding out his hand for Kiara to get on the boat. She took his hand and climbed into the boat.

JJ got on soon after her. John B started passing the blonde the cooler, his backpack, and their fishing gear. Once everything was on the phantom John B climbed onto the boat and took his spot at the steering wheel. He started the boat and JJ unhooked it from the dock before they sped off.

Kiara looked at the scenery as they passed it in the boat. JJ sat down across from her and opened the cooler "I would offer you a beer but since you can't have that do you want some water? or Sprite" he asked.

"Sprite is fine thank you," she said and he nodded and handed her a can.

"Okay, dude this is the farthest we can go," John B said taking the key out of the boat so it was just floating in the water. JJ nodded and chugged his beer before grabbing the fishing net and throwing it into the water.

"What does that do?" Kiara asked.

"The net is going to sink all the way to the bottom and all the little fuckers down there are going to swim into it and I'm gonna yank them up then boom we got us some fish" JJ explained and Kiara just nodded slowly.


After about ten minutes of waiting they finally saw the net get a tug. JJ jumped up and started turning the net so it would be brought up "You ready to be amazed?"

"Sure," Kie said and rolled her eyes playfully.

When the net was brought up there were over a dozen fish caught in it "hell yeah look at that" JJ said. Kie nodded her head she actually look impressed.

"Now we just gotta-" JJ was cut off by Kie letting out a girl scream "JJ let the fish go!" she said and he looked over to see a big shark by their boat.

"Just a shark kie."

"JJ! I'm serious let the fish go and get me out of here."

She must be afraid of sharks.

"It ain't gonna hurt us unless we mess with it," JJ said putting the fish on the boat. The blonde turned to his friend "Take us back to shore JB."

The man started the boat and got them out of there.


They ended up making about two hundred off of the fish they caught. This still wasn't what JJ was hoping to get. He was definitely going to have to find a job.

"Do you need a ride home?" Kie offered. JJ just shook his head "Nah I'm good wasted your time enough today" he said.

"You didn't waste it I actually had fun well- minus the shark..."

"It wasn't even scary."

"Yes, it was!"

"No, it wasn't."

"Yes, it- you know what anyways... my friend is hosting this barbecue on Saturday would you want to come? my parents are going to be there and I haven't exactly told them about... I thought you could be there."

He was definitely going to get his ass kicked "Yeah of course whatever you need" JJ nodded.

"Good, thank you, JJ." And with that, Kiara drove off in her Jeep.

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