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The next few weeks, you're reeling. After everything that happened—the pain and the stress and the near-death experiences—you turn in on yourself and shut your new friends out.

You don't have to find a new job straight away, thanks to the bit of inheritance money you have saved up and your final paycheck plus bonus from Waldenbooks. You tell yourself you'll take a month off before you begin the job search, because you need that time to collect yourself and come to terms with everything.

Steve is too good to you. He comes by your apartment to check on you the day after the Battle of Starcourt. He brings you a box of freshly baked treats from the bakery downtown and a coffee. He offers to drive you to the grocery store when he notices your fridge is nearly empty, and then adds that he can drive you anywhere you need to go after dark if you don't feel comfortable going places alone. You aren't sure how he can see right through you.

Steve also tells you to call anytime—day or night—if you need anything at all.

You thank him for everything and promise you'll reach out.

You don't. Two days later, he comes back, once again extending a hand and offering it to you. You make empty promises that you'll take him up on it (fully intending to do the opposite).

One of the days he comes by, he brings Robin. The next time, he brings Dustin and Erica. Your new friends are suffering as well, and you know this, so you're pleasant and friendly and hospitable, but the whole time they're there you wish they would leave so you can curl up under your covers and be alone.

You still don't take Steve up on any of his offers. And, somewhat rudely, you stop letting him in when he comes by. You make up excuses about not feeling well, or you just don't answer the door. You can't allow yourself to get too close to him. That would be selfish, since you don't anticipate staying in Hawkins for much longer.


Knock, knock, knock!


It's 8 in the morning on a Saturday. You're still in bed and fully plan on ignoring Dustin. You pull a pillow over your head to attempt and drown out his screeching, when he says—


At that, you shoot out of bed like a bottle rocket. You slide shoes on your feet and grab your car keys before yanking open the front door.

"What is it?" you ask, eyes wide and frantic, hair sticking up everywhere. "Where is he?"

"Come with me," Dustin says urgently. "We don't have time to talk, we just have to go!"

You quickly load his bike into your trunk and hop into the car. Dustin navigates, giving you directions to the local park.

You peel into the parking lot and slam on the brakes, accidentally taking up two spaces.

You turn off the ignition and say, "So, where is he?"

"Right there!" Dustin says. He points to the basketball courts a few yards away.

Steve is...completely and totally unharmed. No trouble at all.

He's wearing green basketball shorts and a Hawkins Swim Team t-shirt. He and Lucas Sinclair are practicing free throws at the community courts. Lucas even tries to make a slam dunk—he's a little short for it, but the effort is there.

"I don't get it!" you say, looking between Steve outside and Dustin in your passenger seat. "You told me he was in trouble!"

"He is!" Dustin says. "He misses you. Plus, I wanted a ride to the park. Thanks! Can you pop the trunk?"

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