PAGE 38: Hawkins' New Normal

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Two days later, you and Steve fold clothes at the Red Cross donation drive.

Many people who have the means to have fled Hawkins. The unlucky citizens who lost their cars or homes or who got injured in the earthquakes (aka, the four gates opening) have a safe haven at the Hawkins High gym.

Those who can help, like you and your friends, volunteer. It doesn't feel like much when you know Vecna is still out there, stalking the town and making his next plan, but it's all you can do.

"You feeling okay?" Steve asks casually as he folds donated shirts. He's been checking up on you all day, and it's endearing but also annoys you. But you understand why he's paranoid, knowing what you know about Vecna.

"No headaches," you say, "no nosebleeds. No hallucinations. The only nightmare I've had to deal with is this."

You hold up a hideous blouse.

"Touché," Steve says with a chuckle.

You start to fold a blue jacket that looks a little like Max's favorite one. It makes your heart hurt.

Steve sees you frowning at the article of clothing and gently pats your shoulder.

"She'll be fine," Steve assures you.

"Really?" you say with a scoff. "She has four broken bones and could be brain dead and you think she'll be 'fine'?"

It's mean. You feel mean as soon as the words leave your mouth and hit Steve's ears. You half expect him to snark back at you, but instead, his eyes water.

"She has to be," he says. He sniffles and, firmer, repeats: "She has to be fine."

You understand what Steve's doing now. He's saying that Max is going to be fine because he can't bear to think of the alternative. He's in pain, he feels guilty, he's remorseful. The fact that these are all things Max felt before she got cursed is not lost on you.

"Come here," you murmur, pulling him in for a hug.

You stay like that for a moment, until a commotion by the windows diverts your attention.

You wander over with the rest of the people in the gym, and are shocked to see ash swirling in the air like snow.

Red lightning cuts across the once-cloudless sky as smoke pours overhead.

You and Steve share a look. You intertwine your hands and squeeze his. You need the reminder that he's here by your side. That he's not going anywhere.

You wish you could have a normal life with your normal boyfriend, but that's not the life you have.

No matter what happens, you all will fight to end this, once and for all.




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