Cats and new beds

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Drew's POV

"How old are you darlin'" I asked the frail girl who sat on my lap. She seemed to sit and think for a few minutes before she answered "6! " said as she finished her 2nd plate of spaghetti. Goodness that child must be hungry. I picked her up from my lap as I got up and placed her in my hip so I could put her plate in the dishwasher. "Let's get you a bath" I whisper to her. Addie looked pretty tired, especially since she had bags under her eyes. "Babe? Can you give her a quick bath? I'll lay her clothes out and brush her hair when your done" Kaitlyn nodded her head and took Addie from me carefully and took her to our bedroom. I watched as she carried the girl upstairs. 'She would be an amazing mother' I thought to myself before cleaning up a bit.

Kaitlyn's POV

I reach for the bubble bath as I run a bath for Adeline, who was sitting on the toilet patiently. I pour a little in and watch the bubbles fill up the bath tub. "Ooo fluffy! " she giggles as she watches the tub fill. "Is it? " I smile at her. She seemed like a curious girl. "Let's get in shall we? " Addie nods and stands up as I take her dirty clothes off of her. My heart breaks as I see her frail, bruised and cut body. She looked malnourished. I smiled at her, not wanting to bring it up to her before I put her in the warm tub. I noticed she flinched as the water touched her, maybe it was too hot. "Is it too hot baby? " she shakes her head "no, just scared" she whispers, looking down. I nod and rub her back, letting her know that I was there for her. As she sat down, I went to grabs something she could play with in the tub while I talked to Drew. "Here you go baby, I'll be right back ok? Play with this untill I get back" she nods as she takes the toy.
I walk downstairs and see Drew sitting on the couch, Piper, our cat, in his arms. I swiftly walk over and sit next to them. "Is she doing okay? " he asked, his Scottish voice laced with concern. "She's fine.... I just.." I paused and looked at my husband. "She's bruised... She has so many fucking bruises Drew" I whisper, my emotions finally coming out. Drew furrows his eye brows and wraps his arm around me. "Let's adopt her" he looks down at me. "Let's give her the life she never had. The life she deserves" I actually love the idea of having a child. I love children, and I love seeing Drew with children. It would be perfect. sort of. "Are you sure? What about your job and traveling? " "she can go with me sometimes, but she'll stay here with you... If you want her too. I know you work too" she sighs. "We can always get a babysitter" I chime in. It would be nice for Addie to meet some of Drew's co workers, but knowing some of the men and women backstage, there's always someone who likes to cause trouble, and I sure as hell don't want Adeline getting caught up in anything. "I'll talk to Vince and see if I can take her when I go this time around. Just so she can get out and meet my lads" I nod and kiss his nose. "You wanna go check on her" I raise an eyebrow at him, knowing she's already got him wrapped around his finger. "Yea, sure" he smiles and heads upstairs, Piper following.

Drew's POV

I heard soft giggles as I headed upstairs, knowing she was having a ball in the tub. "Hey little lass" I smile at her, noticing all the dark bruises around her body. "Mister Drew! " she squeals and hugs me, getting my clothes wet. "Now look what you've done lassie" I chuckle softly and Pat her head. "Oooo whats that? " she asks, pointing to Piper, who I forgot was behind me. "This is my kitty, her name is Piper" Piper sat up on the side of the tub, looking at Addie. Addie hesitantly reached out and touched Piper. Piper purred, seemingly liking the little girl. I smiled softly as the two interacted. It was as if Piper knew that Addie was feeling scared. "Good kitty" I kiss her stomach and put her off of the tub. "Alright let's get your hair washed shall we? "

T͓̽i͓̽m͓̽e͓̽ s͓̽k͓̽i͓̽p͓̽

Adeline's POV

After Mister Drew finished washing me up, he lifted me out and wrapped me in a towel. "You look like a mini burrito there love" he chuckles deeply and kisses my head. I think that's my new favorite thing, Mister Drew's head kisses. They made me feel warm and safe. He dressed me in one of his shirts and gave the the smallest pair of boxers he owned. "Do you want to sleep on your own or with us tonight? " I tilted my head. Sleep? I thought he was gonna take me back home! "You not gonna take me home? " I asked in a soft voice. "No, no of course I'm not. Your not going back there baby girl" he said, seemingly surprised that I wanted to go back. I hummed softly. "Oh. Okie then" I hugged onto him tightly as he embraced me in his arms. "You'll never go there again.. If they try to take you back I'll fight my hardest to keep you" he whispers and sits on what seems like his bed. I calms down and close my eyes, slowly drifting to sleep. "Sleep well lass" he whispered. I don't know what told me to say anything, but I responded before I fell asleep. "Nights daddy.. " I said tiredly before I fell into a deep sleep.

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