Teddy Bear Drew

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Adeline's POV
     Daddy pulled me out of school about a week after I started, and enrolled me in private classes with one of the teachers at my school. I love it so much! The teacher, Mrs. Kara comes over to our house once a week and Daddie sits with me as I learn new stuff. I like that Daddie sits with me in class. It makes me feel better. Currently, Mommie is out with Auntie Becky and Auntie Zelina, so me, Daddie, and Uncle Tom are watching some of their wrestling matches on the couch. "Your name is so cool Uncle Tom! " I giggle. His name on wwe was Aleister Black. And daddies name is just his last name changed. "Why thank you buttercup" he kisses my cheek. "Your dad can definitely hit hard. Especially those kicks" daddie laughs a bit and shakes his head. "Nothing too hard. At least not for WWE tv." Uncle Tom started to think for a little. "You should take her when you go out of town. I bet some of the guys in the back would love to meet Adeline" I look up at daddie, who has a soft but concerned look. It's like he had something to say. "Well, I was already thinking of that. We actually leave in a few days for the road to wrestle mania after Monday night raw. Maybe I'll take her with me." I nod quickly. "Yes yes yes daddie yes!! " I giggle and hug him tightly. "Well, Mrs. Kara already knows, so she gave you a few books to work in while you were gone. Not a lot, just a few. " I nod excitedly. I was actually eager to do my homework. I love it! "I wish I was this excited about school. That would've gotten me through so many years of high school" uncle Tom Joked. I got up and walked to the kitchen, trying to get my cup. I struggle for a little bit before I'm lifted up. I grab the cup and look up as I'm put down by Uncle Tom. I giggle a bit "thank you uncle Tommie" he pets my head softly and grabbed the Apple juice from the fridge. "Apple juice? " I nod and put my cup on the table for him to pour the juice in it. I thanked him again before we both went over and sat on the couch. "How about we eat and then go to the park? " Daddy asks. I nodded. I loved going to the park! I liked doing the swings the most. Not many kids played with me, but that's okay. I have mommy and daddy. And of course my uncles and aunts.

     We got ready to go to the park after we all ate and Uncle Tom left. I pulled my clothes out of my closet and changed into them. I like wearing t- shirts and jeans like daddy does. I just like the way they look. "Ready to go ladybug? " Daddy pokes his head through my door. "Yea! " I run over to him and jump into his arms. "Let's go then" he had my bag on his back. It usually has my stuff like bottles, snacks, and my toys. Daddy buckles me into my car seat and gets in the car himself, ready to drive to the fun park.

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