Pure Anger

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Adeline's POV

     I woke up to a big hairy chest. I rubbed my eyes and sat up and looked around. "Drew! " I whispered softly and patted his chest. It took a little bit, but he woke up. "Hey Darlin, how'd ya sleep? " he asked in a deep, rough voice. "Goodie" I smile and kiss his cheek. He picked me up and gets up himself. "Let's go get breakfast yea? How does cereal sound? " I nodded quickly, excited about being able to eat cereal. He smiles softly and goes down, pulling 3 bowls out. I sat on the counter and watched him pour the bowls of colourful cereal. "Here you go love" he puts a bowl on the counter and sits me down on the chair properly. "Thank you" I say before starting to eat. "Morning you two" I hear a female voice come down stairs. I look over at see.... Kate? KAITLYN! I see Kaitlyn kiss Drew's cheek and comes over to kiss mine. I giggle softly and continued eating. "I'm going to take her to the mall with me so I can shop for her" Kaitlyn says. Drew looks at me "you wanna go with her? " he asks. I nod and finish my breakfast. "Alrighty then, let's get you ready to go then" he picks me up and kisses Kaitlyn before he takes me upstairs and grabs some clothes from his closet. " this is all I have that can fit you lass, try it on" he gives me a jacket and a pair of shorts. I take the clothes and change into it. The jacket was like a dress on, but the shorts fit me nice. "God, your adorable" he chuckles and picks me up to take me downstairs. "Ready Dollie? " Kaitlyn smiles at me, being already ready. I nod and go to her. "Have fun you two! " Drew says "be safe, call me if you need anything" he kisses Kaitlyn and kisses my head before we leave. This is gonna be so fun!!!

Drew's POV
      About 2 hours after the girls left, I got a call from Kaitlyn. I answered it "hell-" "DREW, SOMEONE TOOK ADDIE! " Kaitlyn cut me off, crying. I knew I should've went with them. "Shit- where are you right now? I'll go to y-" I hear a car pull up to a house loudly and I run to the door and look outside, seeing the familiar car from Adeline's parents. "I found her. Come home now and call the police" I say before hanging up. I put my phone down and walked out to the house and bang on the door. The door opened to a woman, screaming and crying in the background. "What do you want?!" she asks harshly. I pushed past her and went to find the screaming. "ADDIE! " I called out. "H-HELMMMNNHH!! " I growled and busted the room door down, seeing a man, seemingly her dad, on top of her, her eye black and her lip busted. I saw her and immediately saw red. I grab him by the neck and start punching him over and over. "YOU HAVE THE FUCKING NERVE TO HURT THAT LITTLE GIRL YOU ASSHOLE! " I hear tiny, broken cries which snap me out of my rage. I turn around and saw the mother with Addie in her arm, a knife in the other hand. I raise my arms  "woah- no need for that put the knife down." I look at Addie, reassuring her that everything will be ok. Police sirens were heard finally, but the mother took it as an opportunity to try and stab Addie in the leg. I ran over and pushed her away, grabbing Addie before she fell
"I got you baby, I promise, daddy's right here" I whisper in her ear as the cops came in. "Daddy ain't gonna let anything else happen to you" I whispered, tears spilling from my blue eyes. I pick her up and take her downstairs. "DREW! " Kaitlyn runs over "are you hurt? " I immediately ask "just bruised, but not too hurt" she says. I saw a few bruises on her arms, from him grabbing her. "Shit.. " I whimper. "Baby, I'm fine, did they hurt Addie? " I look over at Addie, Examining her. She sadly had a few bruises and cuts on her arms and belly. I nodded and sighed. "Let me take care of her. I nod and grab the closest thing to a first aid kit I could and I sat with Addie, holding her as Kaitlyn fixed her up. "Let her rest, let's take her back to the house." I nod "sir? I know this a bad time, but may we set a up a meeting with the three of you to do witness statements and the victim statement for the little one? " I look at the officer, feeling a bit overwhelmed. "Uh- yea- yes, of course" we exchange information and set up a day before they take the couple out. "For the time being, seeing as the child is in your care, she will remain in your care untill this case is over, unless you have plans to adopt her. I look at Kaitlyn and then back the officer. " we want to adopt her" I say, making sure Addie was comfortable laying down as the woman grabbed paperwork. "Well lucky for you I have paperwork with me" he gives it to us and goes through everything as we sign. "And your all done! Would you like to change her name?" I nod and look at Kaitlyn. "Just her middle and last names. Adeline Angela Galloway" Kaitlyn smiles softly. I always wanted to name my daughter after my mother. "It's beautiful baby" Kaitlyn whispers and kisses my cheek as the woman gave me her legal documents. "Thank you so much miss" she nods "no problem, congratulations again, have a safe night" she says before she left. "I'll go pack up her stuff, you walk her over to the house." I say, giving Kaitlyn Addie. I watched the two as they made their way, not wanting to leave them for too long. I quickly packed her stuff that was saveable and headed over to the house. I got upstairs and saw Kaitlyn and Addie already in the bed. I took my pants off and put some shorts on before I climbed into bed and laid next to Addie. Addie being between the two of us. "Your so precious baby... I'll always protect you. Both of you" I whisper, embracing the two. "I'm so lucky to have two beautiful girls in my life" I smiled before I fell asleep. I made a great choice. I'll never regret it. You deserve to be loved Addie.

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