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Addie's POV

        I got my socks and shoes on as we all got ready to go to the venue. Daddy told me that he had some friends at work, and that he would introduce me to some of them before the show started. I was so excited!!!! "Ready kiddo? " Uncle Dolph asks. I nod and hug his leg. "LET'S GOOOOO!!!! " Uncle Knight runs over and picks me up before running over to the venue, uncle Dolph and daddy following. "BE CAREFUL WITH MY BABY!" I squeal and giggle the whole time, holding onto Uncle Knight tightly. When we get inside, we walk down a HUGE hallway. Uncle Knight put me down and held my hand, as I held daddy's hand with my other hand. I hear a gasp from behind us. We all turn and I see a tall man. Not as tall as my daddy though. "Wassup uce, who's the little one? She's adorable" he hugged my daddy. "That's my little one. Addie, this is Joshua. You wanna say hi? " I nod and waddle over to him. "Hi hi! " I smile and look down at his hand. His hand is HUGEEE!! I hold his hand in mine and giggle. "Big hands mister Joshua" he smiles softly and crouches down to my level. "You can just call me Joshua or Jey, it don't matter princess. Can I pick you up? " I look at daddy, who nods. I look back at him and raise my arms up so he can pick me up. "You mind watching her for a bit Jey?" Daddy asks, rubbing my back to make sure I was ok. "Of course Uce. We'll be in my dressing room." He smiles at me. "Ready to go? " I nod and wave to my uncles and my daddy before Joshua walks off to his room. When we got to what I assume was his dressing room, I saw another man who looked exactly like him. "Hey... Your Joshua!" I pointed to him. The other guy and Joshua laughed softly. "We're twins baby!" He comes over to us as Joshua puts me down. "I'm Jonathan, or Jimmy. Whichever sounds better" I hug him tightly, smiling widely. I liked meeting people.
          After an hour of hanging out with Joshua and Jonathan, I was picked up by uncle Knight and taken to his dressing room where he has toys, and coloring materials for me. "I figured you would be pretty bored in here alone, so I got you some stuff" he kisses my head and puts me down as he places the bags he had down. I've never felt so taken care of, even if they were just entertaining things. "Thank you uncle Knight" I kiss his nose and sit on the floor and start to play with some toys untill the show starts. Uncle Knight joined me after emptying all the bags. "The shows starting hon, do you wanna watch it?" I nod and sit in his lap as he turns the tv on. About 30 minutes into the show uncle Dolph has a match against a big guy. I cheered him on the whole match, but sadly he didn't win. Uncle Knight rubbed my back softly "it'll be okay baby, he'll win next time" he kisses my head. Suddenly I hear a familiar sound. It was daddys music!! "Daddy Daddy!!" I clap happily as I watch him walk down the ramp and grab a microphone. "How are you doin' Baltimore!!" He yelled out happily into the crowd. "You know, There's a little bunny hoppin' around Raw with a championship that I want. That little bunnys name is Brock Lesnar." Before he could say anything else, music started to play, and a huge muscular man walked out. He looked really angry. Uncle Knight held me closer, probably to help me stay calm. "Little bunny? Im not a little bunny bud, I'm a damn mountain that YOU will NEVER be able to climb." Daddy smirked softly. He didn't seem scared by the bigger man. "You know I like your ambition McIntyre, I really do. But I wouldn't try to fight me. I mean, would you want your poor daughter and your lovely wife to find your mangled corpse in an alleyway?" Daddy's face immediately dropped from confident to murderous. He looked really angry with him for saying that. I would too! He talked about my mommy. "Keep my Daughter and my wife out of your mouth or YOU'll be the mangled corpse before they can even announce the match" he growled into the microphone. I've never seen daddy so mad before. It was scary. "Oh, I'm sorry. But so you know, Addie ain't gonna be safe in the back for long." He smirks a bit. "I've got friends in the strangest places" uncle Knight immediately held me tighter. Making me feel safe. I saw daddy start to attack the big man, kicking and punching him over and over untill security held the two back. "KEEP MY DAUGHTERS NAME OUT OF YOUR MOUTH! " he yelled out as they both struggled to get out of the grasps they were in. After some more struggling, daddy finally was escorted to backstage area. Uncle Knight helped me clean and get ready to go when Daddy came into the room. "Addie? Are you ok?" He came over and hugged me. "I'm okay daddy, uncle Knight keep me safe" I kiss his cheek. He nods and sighs. "Alright love, thank you Shaun. Lets get back to the bus before anything transpires." Daddy picked me up and allowed me to play with his hair as he walked out of the venue and onto the bus.

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