school troubles

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Drew's POV

      It's been about 4 weeks since we adopted Addie, and we thought we would put her into school. We had a conversation with her a few days ago about it, and she agreed to go for a week to see how she liked it. Kaitlyn is a bit skeptical about sending her to a public school, but I want to give it a shot. "You gotta wake up princess" I whisper, getting Addie out of her bed to get her ready. "Mhmm.. " she groans, rolling over to her side as I lay her clothes out. "You gotta brush your teeth, and let daddy do your hair lovebug. Come on" she sits up and rubs her eyes as I prepare her toothbrush. I get her ready for school and grab her book bag and her therapy bracelet. We took a visit to the doctor not too long ago, and got her checked up and what not, and they advised we took a chance and started to take her to therapy. She likes it a lot more than I would've thought. "Bye mommie!! " she runs and hugs Kaitlyn, who was still cooking. "Bye baby, have a good day at school ok? " she kisses Addies head before I pecked her lips and got Addie in the car. I drove Addie to her school and parked the car. "Don't miss daddy too much ok? " I got out and went around to take her out of her seat. "Hey.. What's the matter? " I ask as I saw her crying. I pick her up and place her on my hip and rock her softly. "G-Gonna miss dada" she whimpers, laying her head on my shoulder. I sigh and sit down in the car. I knew how hard it would be for her, especially since she hasn't been away from us since we adopted her. "And dada's gonna miss you baby. " I whisper. "I'll see you in a little bit though ok? It'll be like I never left. I promise. Plus, you'll have so much fun that you won't want to leave" I smile softly and kiss her head. She giggles softly and nods at me. "Okie. Bye bye daddie! Say hi to Piper for me okie? " I nod as she grabs her bag from me and walks into the building. Nothing could've prepared me for how many emotions I would feel as she went into that building.

Addie's POV

     I don't like it here. I sit in a blue room with a bunch of other kids and a 'teacher' named Mrs. Shelly. She seemed nice, but I don't want to trust her too much. My issue isn't with her though, it's with the kids. They keep trying to talk to me and it's making me uncomfortable. During class though, Mrs. Shelly would ask me a question about something and I would look at her weird. I've never done this stuff before! What's a math? I saw a few times during out social time, she looked at me with a little bit of... Concern? Anger? I can't tell what it is.

    Finally, it's lunch time! I look around, and see everyone leaving the classroom to go somewhere. I wonder where their going. I start to eat my lunch that mommie packed as Mrs. Shelly comes over to me and gives me a paper. "Hey, since your here and didn't get to take a knowledge test yesterday, you can take yours now if you would like? It's just a test to see what you've learned from home or from pre K." He says, giving me a pencil. I nod a little bit before starting to work on the paper. I never used a pencil before, so I did my best with writing. I finished after struggling on the test for a bit and gave it to her. She smiles a bit. "Why thank you little one. You should finish your food, it's almost time for recess! " she said, like she was excited for it. What was so exciting about recess?

Kaitlyn's POV

     I was at home, laying in my bed and watching a show while Drew was out at the gym. As I start to get comfortable, the house phone rings. I groan softly and sit up to answer it. "Hello? " I say, trying not to sound tired. "Hello, is this Mr. Or Mrs. Galloway? " a voice rang through the phone. "Yes, who is this? " "I'm Adeline's Teacher, Mrs. Shelly. I just wanted to talk about a few things that I've noticed, if you don't mind of course. " I sat up and nodded  like she could see me. "Yea yea, of course" I turned the tv volume down a little more. "Well for starters, I've noticed a lot on her behavior that she's not used to being around people. She's not socializing with the other kids, and stuff of that nature. I haven't even heard her voice today. But the second thing that's really concerning to me is her knowledge test. I know some kids usually do bad on these, but she got the lowest grade I've seen for children her age. Especially at the reading section. Has she been taught how to read at all? " that was a lot of stuff to process, but I get the gist of it. "I don't think so, I recently adopted her and she's going through trauma from her biological parents, so I don't think they taught her anything" I explained. "Ah.... I see. Well that might explain some stuff. Well, I would maybe suggest easing her into reading first, and see how she takes it. I'll try to get her into a class with a teacher who is better suited for what she's experiencing so she can learn in a better environment. Thank you for the talk, have a nice day" I sigh and she hung up. I'm gonna have to explain all of this to Drew. Shit. I call Drew, and explain everything that the teacher told me as best as I could. Surprisingly he got everything quickly. "I somewhat knew she wasn't going to be good at socializing, but I didn't realize she was going to not talk all day. I mean, we can invite some of my friend's kids over to maybe crack her socialization. And for the other stuff, we can start reading with her and having her read" I nod "sounds good. Let's not lay too much on her at one point though, ok? " "we won't. One at a time" I can hear his smiles through the phone. "Ah, I'm getting a call, I'll call ya back. Love ya" he hangs up.

Drew's POV

     Why the fuck would you leave her with complete strangers? Your so fucking stupid Drew! I got in the car and raced to the school. Addie was out at recess, and she started to have a panic attack seemingly out of nowhere. I park and run inside. I see her with a few teachers around her in the front office, and I run in with them. Everyone moves out of the way as I kneel to Addie's level while she sat. "Addie, Dada's right here princess. I'm right here" I grab her hand a bit, but she flinches. "It's just me. Nobody is gonna hurt you while im here" I whisper and wait for her to realize it's me. "D-Da" she whimpers, trying to get her words out. "Yep, it's me." He say softly so she won't freak out. She takes a little to calm down before she crushes me with a hug. "You missed daddy a lot didn't you? " she nods and sniffles. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know she would have a panic attack. " Mrs. Shelly shakes her head "no, it's okay. Going what she went through, it's a learning process to be able to be away from the people who helped you from that situation.  I'm just happy you got here when you did." I nod and put her in my lap. "She didn't give you any trouble did she? " Mrs. Shelly shakes her head again. "No, the opposite. She's really quiet in class and does basically everything I tell her to do. It's a little alarming though. Usually kids her age are playful and social, so I was a little scared at first, but your wife explained everything to me so now it makes perfect sense." I nod. "It's gonna take a little bit of time to get her to that level of comfort. Her parents didn't think she would need it apparently. Anyway, thank you so much" I get up, Addie in my arms. "It's no problem sir. It was nice meeting your little angel. If you have any questions, please call." I nod and leave the building. "You feeling better chicken nugget? " she giggles a bit at the nickname and nods. "Now dat dada's here. " she whispers. She's such a daddy's girl.

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