Bring Him Back

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"When Nolan broke up with me, I thought the positive approach would be best - make him think I moved on in hopes of having him come back, you know?" I declare, my voice shaking with memories.

"How'd that workout for you?" Jack inquires.

"Shut it," I retort.

So I know it's over, and I'm okay with that. I believe that we had quite the good run, and I've learnt so much from being yours. And for that, I thank you. Thanks for all the late nights and early mornings and innocent kisses. Thank you for everything we've done, and for being so good to me up until the end. I'm being brutally honest here, I think ending things here is what's right. It's not wise to keep watering a dead flower, since, if we did, I don't think we'd be ending it on such a good note. And while I don't appreciate the way you chose to break up with me, I'm choosing to brush it aside and start new. And while I may relapse back into March Max, I think that's what's best for me at the current moment. As for you, you're a great guy, and a great guy like you deserves the best and nothing but the best. I said it once before and I'm gonna say it again: "I will always care for you, even if we're not together and even if we're far, far away from each other." Whatever was said or exchanged between us will forever be kept a secret, and I hope that things are the same for you. I'm gonna say it one last time for old time's sake; I love you Nolan. Hope life treats you well babe, and make sure to let me know if going camping together is still in our best interest.

The mere thought sends shivers down my spine. He replied instantaneously with a dozen questions.

Can we still go camping? Can we still talk? Can we be good friends still?

Followed by: I love you too.

I thought I had him back for a moment. He stopped answering a few messages after that that night.

"I thought it would bring him back, Jack, I really did," I sniffle.

"He's a wild card, you should never be sure with a guy like him."

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