Every Lie He Once Told Me

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1. Literally just can't wait to go fishing with your parents! [He's afraid of the fish.]

2. Haven't even looked at a girl this week! [He was on a vacation in Cuba.]

3. I'm gonna spoil you for as long as I can call you mine. [The spoiling ended as soon as he obtained permission to call me that.]

4. I've already seen that movie. [He just didn't want to admit he was afraid of scary movies.]

5. I won't tell anyone, I promise. [Somehow the entire school now knows how far we've been.]

6. Even if we get bored. I'll go by any means to find a topic to talk to you about. I'll never get bored of you, trust me. ["I got bored of you and lost feelings, we'll still be friends and talk everyday though!"]

7. We'll still be friends and talk everyday. 

8. Now I understand that people may not think we'll last forever but I wanna prove them all wrong so badly because I'm in love with her so much. [Three months later and it's a different story.]

9. I'll always be holding your hand as we take the next step, no matter what it is, we'll do it together. [He pulled away at my touch and continued to lace his hands through the buttons of my shirt.]

10. If you ever break up with me, will you please have the decency to do so in person? ("Of course, Nolan. Can I ask for you to do the same with me?") Anything for my princess. [A week later I found myself broken up with over social media.]

11. I love you. [Because he started questioning it the third month in, and continued saying it as I bent over backwards to please him.]

12. I know everything is temporary but I honestly think we'll last forever and anyone who thinks otherwise is gonna get proven wrong. [Everything is temporary and I should've never let him sweet-talk me into thinking we weren't.]

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