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"Wanna hear a joke?" I ask Jack as I plop myself onto the leather couch beside him. I feel his gaze divert from the television to me. Softly, he bites his lip, knowing he shouldn't ask, because my joke is actually just a rant in midst of development. He flicks his head upward, waiting for me to say it.

"So not only was my entire relationship with Nolan a joke, but yet so is he."

"Okay yeah, explain," he says nonchalant, because this is clearly not the first time I've declared war against Nolan.

"Like, you know how I had an exam today? Well my exam consisted of me acting as a thug who steals watches for a living. And I don't own any watches except Nolan's since he forgot it at my place once. So basically I brought it and I did my exam and got a 100%. In celebration, I gave the watch to Kelsi and Mackenzie and they threw it to the ground and yelled 'fuck you Noah Bastien'. It was probably the most rewarding thing of life. But then Mackenzie goes to his football game and tells him about it. Literally just know, he messages me, for the first time in a whole motherfucking month, asking "do you still have my watch?". I hate him. Because for the first time in a whole month, he comes back, only to ask about a watch. And it hurts, because for a whole month, I've managed to not-so subtly hide my feelings for him. But with a short two minute conversation he's resurfaced it all. Two minutes and I'm back to feeling numb and hollow and worthless."

"What'd you say?"

"Me: Highly possible

Him: How broken is it?

Me: Well basically just doesn't attach anymore since a screw fell out of place

Him: Wasn't it smashed?

Me: No, Mackenzie just exaggerates lots *laughing emoji*

Him: Oh, alright! Well, no big deal! Thanks!

Me: Can I ask you something real quick?

Him: Yee

I personally find 'Yee' to be the most fucking obnoxious thing of life. Like literally do you have a speech impediment or are you just retarded? Anyways, moving on,

Me: How many people have you told about how far we've gone?

Him: Only the original people, why?

Me: Because Danik claims to know everything, Camille claims that people from your town told her and whatnot so yeah...

Him: Honestly don't worry about it, it's rumors! 

Me: Yeah, yeah, night Noah :)

Him: Night

I feel actually so sick Jack, I don't think you know."

For the rest of the night, Jack just sat with me, letting me rant to him about all that was my relationship. But at the end of the night, when Jack fell asleep on me, I jumped to one conclusion, and one conclusion only. It made me feel a lot better, maybe even got me to get over Nolan a little bit. Loving him was like running in circles; it got me no where. 

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