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"You excited for tomorrow?" Jack asks, referring to my sixteenth birthday. I think he's more excited than I am.

"No, I hate birthdays," I shrug and blast the music higher. In response, he raises a brow. Jack knew I actually really liked birthdays and that I was just letting the bitterness of the split affect me. "Honestly the only thing I'm excited for is knowing whether or not he'll remember, if he'll contact me for the first time in weeks."

Fingers crossed, I go to sleep, thinking of possible scenarios. Either he remembers and makes me the happiest girl alive or completely forgets about it. I don't know which would hurt most. If he doesn't message me, I'll post an Instagram photo of my cake and candles and caption it as: "For what it's worth, I wished for you." I hope his heart sinks when he reads it. I hope he feels the pain I feel. I hope he knows he broke me, the girl he assured he would always comfort.

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