Chapter 5

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The table is laden with a mouthwatering assortment of dishes, the golden-brown turkey taking center stage, accompanied by steaming vegetables and fluffy mashed potatoes. Nova, Gaia, Atira, Torin, Mr. Ryker, and his teenage twins, Xander and Ellis, gather around the table.

Soft, golden candlelight fills the room, casting flickering shadows on the walls. Comfortable, cushioned chairs encircle the table, and the aroma of home-cooked food envelops everyone, creating a sense of warmth and familiarity. Yet, amidst this coziness, an undercurrent of tension makes itself known through brief, uneasy glances, tightened lips, and restless fingers drumming on laps.

Atira attempts to lighten the mood with a smile as she glances around. "It's been so long since we all ate at the table together. Who wants to say grace?"

No one responds.

"Can I?" Gaia ventures, her voice hesitant.

Atira smiles and nods. They all join hands and bow their heads, except for Nova, who keeps her head up, lost in her thoughts.

"Dear Lord... thank you for bringing home Nova and healing my mom," Gaia begins.

Torin looks up, catching Nova's eye. They share a brief, meaningful glance.

"We are grateful for your blessings. Please continue to watch over us as we put our lives in your hands. Amen."

"Gaia, that was beautiful," Atira says, her face beaming with pride.

Gaia smiles shyly.

"Let's eat!" Xander exclaims.

Xander and Ellis dig in, heaping their plates with generous portions.

"Slow down, boys. Act like you've been somewhere!" Mr. Ryker chides.

Gaia takes small portions and bites, savoring her food. Everyone eats and chats, except Nova, who remains silent, her gaze distant. Torin notices her unease.

"Nova, I thought you hated the show," Torin remarks, attempting to engage her.

"I needed the money."

"But with the bills paid, you could quit anytime."

"Winning could change the family's life, yours too."

Ellis, his eyes wide with excitement, interjects, "If you win or make it far, can you buy me a car?"

"No, work and save up like everyone else. She isn't a bank," his father scolds.

Nova softens. "It's fine. You can have anything you want."

Torin, unable to contain his concern, presses on. "And you're still okay with the fact that Nero's family won the vote and now his own son will be the Chosen One? You'll be fighting to marry Octavius Firestone."

The room falls silent as everyone turns to Nova. She takes a deep breath.

"What happened is in the past," she states firmly.

Seeking to break the tension, Mr. Ryker asks, "Gaia, how's school?"

"I have all A's," she replies, her face lighting up.

"Right on! Leander would be proud of his little girl."

Nova suddenly stands up. "I'll be right back."

Torin watches her leave, worry etched on his face. The others continue talking and eating. In her room, Nova vapes, tapping her foot nervously. She catches sight of a spaceship heading into the sky, and her frustration reaches its peak. She throws her books on the ground and tears her poster. Torin appears in the doorway.

"It's fine," she insists, her voice strained.

Nova storms past him, heading back to the living room. "I'm heading out," she announces.

"This late at night? You barely ate," Atira says, concern in her eyes.

"I just have to run and get something real quick."

Nova leaves the house, Torin trailing behind her. "Nova, wait."

She stops and turns to him, forcing a smile. "I'm fine."

"You didn't seem fine back there."

"It's just a lot to take in, and I need a moment."

Nova gets in the car, leaving Torin standing there, deep in thought.

Gaia washes the dishes as Torin approaches her. He glances over his shoulder, making sure everyone in the living room is preoccupied with talking and watching TV.

"I can't be the only one who sees what's wrong with this picture," Torin whispers.

"My mom's healed, and now Nova's in danger. One loved one's safety traded for another. Seems normal to me," Gaia responds, her tone heavy with sarcasm.

"Don't pretend this is normal."

"She already told you why. And who's this 'we'?"

Torin turns off the faucet, causing Gaia to sigh and turn to face him. "I spent time around police as an EMT; I know how to investigate. But you're the only one close enough to Nova to get better information. She would never go on that show, especially to stay for a Firestone, not after what they did to our families," Torin explains.

Gaia's expression softens. "Since you want to help so much, how about you finish these dishes?"

She walks away, leaving Torin to contemplate her words. He sighs and picks up a sponge, resuming the chore.


With few cars on the neon-lit streets, Nova's grip on the steering wheel is tightening as she drives just above the 45 mph speed limit. The music in her car is blaring, drowning out the sound of her racing thoughts. Glancing up, she spots a spacecraft launching into the sky, stealing her focus from the road. She blows through a red light, narrowly missing an incoming car that honks angrily at her. In a panic, Nova swerves and crashes into a sign.

A few stories above in a sleek, pilotless hovercar, Seraphine and Davion are witnessing the accident. Seraphine's eyes widen, her heart pounding as she presses a button to lower the vehicle.

"What are you doing?" Davion asks, concern etched on his face.

"There's an accident," Seraphine replies, her voice urgent.

Davion furrows his brow, saying, "I'll call 9-1-1, but we shouldn't get involved."

"We can always help."

The hovercar descends next to Nova's wrecked vehicle. Seraphine, her dress hiked up, sprints in her high heels toward the smoking car. She finds Nova rubbing her head, the airbags deployed around her. With a mix of relief and concern, Seraphine opens the door and helps Nova out.

"Are you alright?" Seraphine asks, her voice soft.

"I took my eyes off the road for just a second," Nova groans, wincing. "Thank—"

Her words catch in her throat as she recognizes Seraphine. "You're—"

Seraphine nods, understanding the unspoken realization. "Let me cover the expenses," she offers.

"Thanks, but I can cover it with the card Last Valkyrie gave me," Nova replies, her voice wavering.

"Last Valkyrie?" Seraphine's curiosity is piqued. She studies Nova's face, and her eyes widen with recognition. "I've seen your introduction video. You're a Valkyrie too, Nova."

Nova looks away, shame and vulnerability evident as she lowers her head.

"The police are coming. Seraphine, we should go before we're late," Davion interjects.

Seraphine steps closer to Nova, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Good luck," she whispers.

As Seraphine leaves, Nova takes out her phone, Torin's contact displayed on the screen. Her finger hovers, uncertainty clouding her decision.

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