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In the vibrant glow of lights, Hermes reclines in her plush seat, her eyes set on the bustling runway. A spectacle of fashion unfolds around her, models sashaying with an aura of invincibility, yet her attention is elsewhere as she dozes off. Clustered beside her is a group of younger women, all carrying the unmistakable resemblance to her - a symphony of her traits reflected in their faces. Each of them has a visible sign of cybernetic enhancement, from luminescent eyes to bioluminescent skin patterns and metallic limbs, a testament to the symbiosis of biology and technology.

The hum of her phone cuts through the pulsing runway music. A cold, artificial voice floats from the device.

"You have a collect call from Los Angeles Corporate Jail."

A sigh, heavy with annoyance, slips from her lips.

"Put it through."

"Mom, are you there?!" comes a voice, tinged with worry.

"What did you do this time Rion?" Hermes retorts, her tone flat and emotionless.

"Nothing, I... I just got in over my head, but I swear, I'm innocent."

"Enough. How much is it?"

"500,000," Rion replies, a nervous tremor in his voice.

Hermes looks up, her gaze distant.

"I'll be there soon."

One of the women, a younger version of Hermes with fiery eyes, frowns at her. "You're leaving, just like that? Leaving the event I spent so much time on?"

"He's your brother, Kaida. What do you expect?" Hermes shoots back.

As Hermes rises to leave, a small girl detaches herself from the shadows behind the women. Her voice, tiny and concerned, pulls at Hermes.

"Grandmother, where are you going?"

The stern edge in Hermes' demeanor melts away, replaced by a tenderness that softens her features.

"Oh dear," she says gently, "Grandma has to go help your uncle."

Exiting the event, a throng of paparazzi surrounds Hermes, their questions peppers at her like a hailstorm.

"Hermes, aren't you concerned that further attacks from Hades Legion could disrupt your show?" the reporter inquires, a note of eagerness in his voice.

Hermes' smirk widens into a grin, a twinkle in her eyes.

"Disrupt the show?" She releases a rich, amused chuckle. "Have you even glanced at our ratings?"

Hermes settles into the plush seating of her hover car as it ascends effortlessly into the sky, accompanied by a protective fleet of identical vehicles. Inside the sleek, streamlined cockpit, her assistant swipes through data on a translucent tablet.

"The audience is hooked, especially after yesterday's second round. Nova is a real hit," the assistant reports, eyes glued to the screen.

A satisfied grin blooms on Hermes's face as she peers out the window at the cloud-strewn cityscape.

"Excellent," she purrs.

As they fly, Hermes finds herself momentarily lost in the sprawling cityscape below. That's when she notices it: a small blip on the radar, growing steadily larger. Too late, she realizes what it is.

Without warning, a nearby hover car erupts into a roaring inferno, its metallic shell morphing into a flaming sphere. Hermes remains unfazed despite the shock, her eyes wide and alert. The explosion sends a heatwave rippling through her own vehicle, yet she remains poised, her heartbeat steady. Another hover car meets the same fate, exploding in a blaze of fire and smoke.

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