Chapter 22

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The world around her abuzz with neon lights and the familiar hum of machinery. The skyscrapers tower above Nova casting long, glowing shadows. She's in the lower district, outside their modest apartment.

Her father Leander crouches beside her, his hand resting on a small hoverbike that appears too big for her. His dark eyes are alight with excitement, a stark contrast to her wide, nervous ones.

"Just remember what I told you, Nova," he says, his voice firm yet soothing. "You control the bike, it doesn't control you."

She nods, trying to seem braver than she feels. Her tiny hands grip the handles tightly as she mounts the bike, her heart pounding like a drum. She flicks the ignition switch, the hoverbike coming to life beneath her with a soft hum.

"Go on," her father encourages, giving her an affirming nod. With a deep breath, she nudges the throttle.

The hoverbike jerks forward, the sudden momentum throwing her off balance. With a yelp, she tumbles off, landing on the pavement. She can hear her father's quick footsteps approaching.

"Are you okay, Nova?" he asks, concern lining his voice. She fights back tears, pushing herself up.

"I can't do this," she admits, her voice barely more than a whisper. Her words hang heavy in the air, filled with self-doubt and frustration from her failure.

He offers a gentle smile.

"Falling is part of the journey. We learn, we adapt. Let's try again."

He helps her up, dusts her off, and remounts her on the hoverbike. This time, she drives a bit, wobbly at first, but gradually steadies. Laughter bubbles up inside her, her fear replaced with a newfound sense of freedom and exhilaration.

Suddenly, the laughter dies in her throat as her gaze is drawn towards the sky. The neon lights that were once vibrant and colorful now blink ominously in the encroaching darkness. The atmosphere grows heavy, the laughter and joy from moments before vanishing as if it never existed. The hoverbike slows down, coming to a halt.

Before her, the skyscrapers become towering specters, their shadows twisting into the horrifying images of mutilated bodies. She can hear their screams, their cries for help echoing around her, piercing the dreadful silence. The ground seems to tremble beneath her, the world around her shattering.

Nova's heart pounds in her chest as she finds herself surrounded by the bodies, all towering over her, their lifeless eyes piercing into her.

"Save us!" they chant in unison, their voices resonating around her like a terrible symphony of despair.

She staggers backward, her small form shaking with fear.

"Daddy!" she cries, her voice choked with terror.

When she spins around, it's not the father she knows and loves. Instead, a grotesque version of him looms over her. It is as though his image has been warped, twisted into something monstrous. His features are distorted, his skin a sickly gray, eyes glowing an eerie red. His familiar smile is replaced by a horrifying snarl, revealing jagged, metallic teeth. A horrifying parody of the man she knows.

Suddenly, this monstrous figure lunges at her, an inhuman roar echoing around them. Nova staggers backward, a terrified scream tearing from her throat.

Overwhelmed by terror, she snaps her eyes shut, as if trying to erase the horrifying image. In the pitch darkness of her eyelids, she feels a sudden jerk, as if being pulled away from this nightmare.

When she opens them, she's no longer the seven-year-old on the hoverbike. She's back in her suite, her heart pounding, sweat glistening on her forehead.

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