Chapter 11

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In the opulent ballroom, a kaleidoscope of colors dances across the walls, casting an enchanting glow on the eclectic crowd. The air is perfumed with a heady mix of exotic spices and expensive perfumes, further adding to the intoxicating ambiance. Animated conversations fill the room, the sound of laughter and clinking glasses creating a symphony of merriment. Hovering discreetly above the revelers, camera drones capture every moment, ensuring that audiences around the world can experience the extravagance and indulge in the festivities vicariously.

Among the attendees, cybernetic enhancements and robotic limbs glint in the dim light. Valkyries, mingle with the influential patrons, their managers expertly guiding them through the maze of introductions. Nova clings nervously to Venus's arm as Venus gently chides her.

"Darlin', lift your feet, straighten your back, and walk like you own the room. Let 'em see your confidence."

Nova's gaze drifts upwards to the camera drones, causing Venus to chuckle warmly.

"Don't worry about those cameras," Venus reassures her. "You'll just have to get used to them being around, except for a few private spots. Not that your privacy matters here."

As they approach a group, Venus confidently steps forward.

"Folks, meet Nova."

Her voice rings out like a bell, capturing the attention of those nearby.

Meredith, a woman adorned with diamond facial implants that shimmer like a constellation of stars, grasps Nova's hand.

"So, this stunner is yours?" she purrs.

Meredith gently presses a lingering kiss on Nova's hand, prompting Nova to withdraw it. Amused by Nova's surprise, Meredith lets out a soft laugh.

Chester, clad in a sleek, form-fitting astronaut helmet offers a handshake, his grip firm and warm.

"You're one brave woman, willing to risk turning your best friend's daughter into an orphan."

Emerson smirks, a fox tethered by his side.

"It's not all bad. She could adopt the kid if she wins."

They share a knowing look, while Nova tries to mask her shock.

Venus, ever the saleswoman, steps in.

"I know you're all taken by Nova's story. An investment in her would be a wise move."

"We're on board as her patrons," Emerson assures them. "She'll have the finest armor and weapons."

Venus gives Nova a subtle, encouraging nod, and Nova follows her lead.

"Thank you," she says, her voice quavering slightly.

As Nova tries to shake their hands, they back up.

"It's not personal," Meredith explains, her voice honeyed. "We like you, but we have certain... preferences. You understand."

As the group departs, Venus consoles Nova. "Don't take it to heart. Many in Delos look down on those from humble beginnings."

"I'm used to it," Nova replies, her voice tinged with sadness.

Throughout the evening, Venus introduces Nova to more patrons. Laughter and delight accompany each exchange, but Nova's smiles are fleeting, her thoughts elsewhere.

Venus pats Nova reassuringly and glances towards the bar. "You'll be fine for a few minutes, right? I could use another glass of wine."

As Venus departs, Nova observes Fable captivating a large group. Fable's dress sparkles as she twirls, drawing admiring gazes. Feeling out of place, Nova retreats to one of the other bars. A hefty, slovenly man, swaying slightly as he grips a champagne bottle, ogles Nova. He snaps his fingers to get her attention.

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