Chapter 7

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Under the glare of stage lights, Nero, Lugh, Cata, and Hermes maintain a stoic facade as they line up behind Wolf, who stands confidently behind the podium. The persistent clicking of reporters' cameras punctuates the tense atmosphere.

"My fellow customers," Wolf begins, his voice quivering with emotion. "I have been selected by the respected members of the Corporate Syndicate to deliver this speech to you." He takes a deep breath, steadying himself. "This morning, the world is mourning the brutal deaths of the Taft family at the hands of the evil terrorist group known as Hades Legion."

Wolf's eyes narrow as he continues, reading from the teleprompter with determination. "They are a ruthless militant organization that seeks to destroy the way of life of the U.O.E., which has allowed its customers around the world to prosper for almost a century." He pauses, fists clenched. "The man leading this group, Taranis Kane, has declared war on the CSA – and therefore, the world. Make no mistake, we will bring these thugs to justice, and they will pay by the full might of our corporations. God bless the CSA."

As the members walk off stage, they're bombarded with questions from the reporters. A press secretary quickly jumps on the podium, eager to answer.

Backstage, the five members exchange worried glances. Hermes checks her phone and gasps, "All of our shares have dropped over 20 percent since the video!" She shivers.

A reporter on the television screen announces, "And some people are calling for Last Valkyrie to be canceled this year over safety issues."

"She'll be out of a job tomorrow for that line!" Hermes snarls.

While the others engage in hushed conversation, Nero and Cata remain silent, lost in their thoughts. Nero gazes out the window into space, smirking at the sight of Earth. Cata notices his expression and approaches him.

"You're awfully calm considering what's happening," Cata observes, her voice tinged with curiosity.

"I can say the same about you," Nero replies with a knowing grin.

"Oh please. Loud men with guns. When you live as long as I have, they all sound the same. I have to give Taranis props, though. He's succeeding in causing fear."

"We've dealt with terrorists and low stock prices before. We'll take care of them and come out on top like always." Nero's voice is resolute, but his eyes betray a flicker of uncertainty.

They nod in agreement, and Nero addresses the entire group. "Couple raids in neighborhoods with ties to some terrorist groups always work for public approval. Outside of that, we should increase efforts and patrols in locating Taranis' main hideout."

Lugh interjects, his expression serious. "Everyone, just make sure each of our troops and police lessen the force used on civilians that aren't armed."

Nero nods, his smirk returning. "Good point, Lugh. Thinking about the cameras."

"I'm thinking about the civilians," Lugh counters, his gaze unwavering.

Raising an eyebrow, Nero smirks at Lugh, acknowledging their differing perspectives.

Back at Shed Court, Atira, Gaia, Mr. Ryker, and his sons gather around Nova, whose bags are packed and ready for departure. The clock reads 7:55am. Nova's eyes shimmer with unshed tears as she speaks, her voice wavering slightly, "I'll stay in contact."

She embraces the twins, her grip tight and comforting. "Don't get in too much trouble. And I'll send back a car for you." The twins laugh, their smiles bittersweet.

Nova hugs Mr. Ryker, gratitude etched on her face. "Thank you for being here for my family."

"We're all one family, Nova," Mr. Ryker replies, his voice warm and fatherly.

As she hugs Torin, memories of their friendship flood her thoughts. "What you did for me while I was gone, all these years, I couldn't have asked for a better friend."

"It's what friends do," Torin says softly.

With determination, Nova promises her mother, "Everything is going to be okay. I'll win." Atira hesitates, a tear rolling down her cheek, and smiles through her sadness. "I know you will!"

Their hug is long and fierce, a testament to their bond. Nova puts her arm around Gaia, drawing everyone into a group embrace. "Be strong, please," she pleads.

"I'll try," Gaia whispers.

Together, they follow Nova out the door. A large group of residents waits outside, their expressions a mix of admiration and concern. A little girl in a sunflower dress approaches Nova and hands her a small flower. Nova accepts it, a gentle smile gracing her lips.

As the hover car arrives, the crowd parts to let Nova and her loved ones pass. The air is filled with the sounds of applause and the scent of flowers. "Nova!" the crowd chants in unison.

Reaching the hover car, Nova turns to her family and Torin's, her eyes glistening with tears. "I love you all," she chokes out.

She steps into the hover car, and as it ascends, she gazes out the window. The car soars away, and Nova watches Shed Court recede into the distance. Overwhelmed, she finally allows herself to weep, her tears flowing freely.

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