Chapter 14

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Torin raps his knuckles against the weathered shed door of Nova's home. Gaia, her face etched with fatigue, opens the door. Torin raises his hands, the frustration evident in his voice.

"I texted you and got no response back," he says, trying to sound casual.

"Sorry, I was busy," she replies, her voice strained and apologetic.

"Well, I got the address for Sonny. You ready?" he asks, excitement flickering in his eyes.

Gaia glances away, biting her lip hesitantly.

"I'm sorry, not tonight. I have things to do."

"What are you—"

"I'll talk to you later," Gaia interrupts, her voice firm as she closes the door.

Disappointed, Torin sighs and trudges away. Later that day, Gaia emerges from her room, transformed – hair straightened, makeup applied, and wearing flattering clothes. Atira, her eyes wide with surprise, smiles at her as waters a plant.

"Where are you going?" Atira asks, curiosity piqued.

"I got invited to a party."

Atira's eyes sparkle as her smile broadens.

"Really? Look at you, making some friends."

Gaia blushes, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves.

"Just don't drink or do any drugs. And if a strange boy tells you he wants to show you something, you better show him your fist."

Gaia laughs, the tension melting away.

Torin arrives at a rundown apartment building complex, where the grimy walls crumble and a damp, musty scent pervades the air. The heavy silence hangs like a weight, amplifying the sound of his footsteps on the creaking floorboards. He hesitates before knocking on a door with a barely legible number.

A woman with tattoos snakes up her arm and a steely gaze opens the door, sizing him up with disdain. Her dark hair falls in messy waves around her angular face, framed by a pair of silver hoop earrings.

"What's your business here?" she demands, her voice sharp.

"Um, is Sonny around?" he stammers, trying to maintain a polite tone despite his nerves.

Her eyes narrow, suspicion lacing her voice. "What for?"

Torin hesitates, his eyes flicking to the side before returning to meet her gaze. "I'm here for the stuff. Sonny knows me," he says, his voice firming up.

She scrutinizes him for a beat before smirking. "Why didn't you say so earlier? Get in."

As Torin steps into the apartment, he's assaulted by a room filled with squalor and narcotics. The stench is nearly unbearable.

She crosses her arms, her tone laced with doubt. "So, what exactly are you after?"

"E-dope, ChromFlux, whatever you have to make me go places," he replies, trying to steady his voice.

When she shuts the door, he spins around, only to find a gun aimed at him. Heart pounding, he raises his hands in surrender.

"Who the hell are you?" she snarls, her voice deadly.

"Just looking to buy from Sonny," he stammers.

"You're too clean-cut for this scene. I've never seen you before. And if you really know my brother, you'd know he's been gone for some time," she retorts, her grip on the gun unwavering.

Sweat beads on Torin's forehead as he scrambles for an explanation. "Okay, listen! I'm friends with Nova and Fable. They went to buy some e-dope off Sonny but vanished for weeks," he blurts, desperation seeping into his voice.

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