Chapter 25

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The sounds of the city echo in the distance. Nova looks up, her gaze fixed on the imposing skyscraper across from her. Her heart flutters in her chest like a trapped bird, filled with a mix of pride and anxiety.

Leander stands at her side, clothed in the uniform of Firestone Industries, his cybernetic arm gleaming in the sun light. His stern face is partially concealed by the helmet, the glow from the visor casting a soft light on his skin.

A soft sigh escapes her lips as she watches him, her small hand reaching out to grip his. She can feel the cold, metallic touch of his fingers, but beneath it, the gentle warmth of his palm. He squeezes her hand reassuringly, his dark eyes mirroring her own emotions.

In Atira's arms, a baby squirms, reaching out for Leander with a gurgle. But Atira, her gaze strong and steady on Leander, just pulls the baby closer, holding the tiny body in a secure, protective embrace.

"Are you scared, Daddy?" she asks, her voice barely above a whisper, her wide eyes filled with concern.

He turns to her, the hint of a smile pulling at the corners of his mouth. "A bit," he admits, his voice soft and soothing. "But remember what I told you, Nova. We control our fear, it doesn't control us."

His words hang heavy in the air. She swallows hard and nods, gripping Atira's hand even tighter. Her mother gives her hand a comforting squeeze, and Nova takes a steadying breath.

"I know, Daddy. But... I'm scared for you."

Leander pauses, looking at his family huddled together. He kneels down, one knee thudding against the concrete, and removes his helmet. His face, lit by the sun, softens as he looks at Nova, then at the baby in Atira's arms.

"And that's okay," he reassures her, his thumb brushing gently over her knuckles. "I am too. But I'm also excited. This is a new chapter for us."

Nova watches him, her heart swelling with pride. A warmth spreads through her, cutting through the cold air.

"I'll be okay, Nova," Leander promises, his voice firm and sincere. He carefully picks up his helmet from the ground, glancing at Nova and Atira one last time before placing it back on. "I'll come back. For you."

Leander then rises to his full height, the comforting presence of his fatherhood concealed beneath layers of chrome and kevlar. He turns to them one last time, their reflections captured in the glossy visor of his helmet. Despite the artificial barrier, a silent connection fills the air, a bond unbroken.

With a final, determined look at his family, Leander turns around. His boots thud against the concrete, each step echoing . Step by step, he walks away, advancing towards the looming building of his new responsibility.

Nova stands there, her heart pounding in her chest, watching as her father disappears from view. Nova watches the Firestone Industries skyscraper as it pulses against the night sky. She can feel Atira's arm around her, pulling her close, the baby nestled between them. She clings to them, to the feeling of warmth and familiarity amidst the alien cityscape.

"He'll be safe," Atira whispers into Nova's hair, her voice as much a prayer as a reassurance.

Nova clings to those words, their echo piercing the cold air. In the neon-drenched silence, she stares at the building across from them, a hard resolve in her young eyes.

She whispers back,

"He will. He's strong."


Nova bolts upright with a sudden gasp. Her wide eyes dart around as she finds herself in an immaculate lab, a sharp contrast to the chaos she last recalls. She takes in the sterile light bouncing off the pristine white walls, a chill going down her spine. Glancing down, she finds herself in patient's garb, a simple white ensemble.

Nova's Bladeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें