Chapter 16

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"Joining us now on The Storm Show, the dynamic duo from The Last Valkyrie, who've been lighting up the circuit since their debut," announces Pegasus Storm with a charismatic smile. "Please welcome, Nova and Fable!"

A thunderous applause swells as Nova and Fable, clad in their dresses, make their entrance. They exchange courteous hugs with Pegasus and take their seats, the studio audience's cheers simmering down into anticipatory silence.

"You both look radiant, especially considering recently was your first... execution," Pegasus begins, his tone subtly shifting.

Fable leans in, her eyes glinting mischievously. "Who says it was our first?" The audience erupts into laughter, while Nova offers a shy smile, quickly receding into the backdrop.

Pegasus continues, "So, how does it feel to be on top of the game? I mean, just look at the ratings!" The screen behind them illuminates, revealing the Valkyrie rankings with Nova and Fable comfortably positioned in the top five—Nova, one notch above Fable.

"You've both captured the audience's heart, particularly with Nova's heartwarming story during the interviews," Pegasus addresses them, "And you've managed to keep that momentum alive, which should attract quite a few patrons to support you."

"Well..." Fable begins to respond, but Pegasus smoothly cuts her off.

"Actually, the question was for Nova, given her slightly higher rank," he clarifies with a sincere smile.

Taken aback, Fable nods, a flicker of surprise—and perhaps, envy—crossing her face. Nova, meanwhile, hesitates, clearing her throat before speaking.

"What would you like to know?"

"How are you handling the sudden stardom?" Pegasus queries.

"I appreciate the sentiment, but it's still early days," Nova replies, her voice soft yet firm. "Every round, every training day matters. I'm grateful for the fans, patrons, and most importantly, my family's support."

Pegasus grins, "Ever the humble one!" The audience claps in agreement.

When the interview concludes, Fable and Nova retreat backstage, Fable striding ahead, her energy undiminished. Both of their managers, Venus and Zane, await them.

"Fantastic job, both of you," Venus praises, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction. Zane, engrossed in his tablet, looks up, "You're trending everywhere. The patron requests for Fable are pouring in."

Nova offers a brief nod, her attention already on Fable, who's moved considerably ahead. "Fable!" Nova calls out.

Fable halts, allowing Nova to catch up, out of earshot from their managers. "Is everything alright between us?" Nova asks, her voice tinged with concern.

"Of course, Nova. Why wouldn't it be? We stick to the plan, make each other look good, and we'll go far in this," Fable assures, her smile a tad forced.

Nova nods hesitantly. As Fable turns to leave, her smile dissolves into a hardened mask, revealing a glimpse of the intricate tapestry of emotions beneath her spirited exterior.

Octavius, garbed in a robe, stretches languorously, his gaze drawn to the expansive ocean view from the window. From the plush bed behind him, the fox-eyed womanobserves him with a playful smile.

"Enjoying the view?" she quips, a subtle tease in her tone.

He pivots, meeting her gaze with a smirk. "Ever since I started waking up next to you."

A chuckle escapes her. His attention shifts to the television, the screen flickering with Nova and Fable's interviews and the updated rankings. She sighs, her name conspicuously absent from the top five.

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