Part 10: New Or Old Fantastic Four?

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"Like the old Fantastic Four or rooting for the new one?"

Thanks for the question, xsuperheroesx! :)

The old ones. All the way. No competition. Tbh, I think they're going to royally screw up the reboot. I don't like who they picked, to me they look nothing like they should, like in the comics. I don't like the road they're going down. At all really.

Sure, the effects are cool and they're going for diversity in the casting choices (don't get me wrong, BIG YAY FOR DIVERSITY), but I don't think they cast right. I have a feeling they're changing a lot just to be politically correct. I'm not racist, sexist, or anything like that. Power to us all! But do you at least get where I'm coming from?

I'm trying VERY hard to keep an open mind. Maybe I'll be surprised and it'll be good! I hope I'm wrong, I really do, but I don't have very high expectations for this film.

I'll probably see it, 'cause you know, Marvel has me whipped, and my family says it looks good. If I had to choose, I'd choose old ones all the way.

What about you guys? What do you think of the reboot? Some people are ecstatic. Some, like me, are skeptical. What are your thoughts? Is there a comic series where these things actually happen like what we've seen in the reboot's trailers? If so, let me know! I don't usually read the FF comics, so anyone who knows more would be so appreciated :) I don't want to be ignorant going into this next phase of Marvel movies :)

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