Part 13: Kiss / Kill / Marry?

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"Kiss / kill / marry out of the X-Men?"

Thanks for the question, YogscastTammy! :)

Well, I grew up with the X-Men and Wolverine movies and X-Men Evolutions cartoons, but I just recently started reading their comics, so I'm basically going off that :)

I'd kill Magneto -_- He's abandoned his children, almost destroyed the world many times, and he cares more about mutant kind than his own family. He has a good cause, mutant rights, but he goes about it the wrong way IMO.

I'd kiss Nightcrawler xD I love Kurt he's a sweetie :3 So misunderstood, but amazing.

I'd probably marry young Charles, because he's amazing and he grows up to be so wise and caring and understanding. But if we're talking present day only, then I'd marry either Logan or Pietro ;) Because Logan is basically my spirit animal, and Pietro is like... omg < 3

What about you guys? Who would you kiss/killarry out of the X-Men?

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