Part 23: Triple Six Challenge

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I've been tagged to do the Triple Six Challenge by @OneOfTheBoys ! Thanks sweets! :) 

So, the challenge is you post six random facts about yourself, and then tag six marvelous people to take it :)

So my six facts are these:


2. I am incredibly zombie-phobic. I HATE them. I can't sleep if I want a zombie movie. Which is strange because I love goth things, Halloween, things most people would consider"creepy" are beautiful to me.

3. I was vegetarian until I was 7 years old, and am trying to be again.

4. I am graduating in 2016! Yay!

5. My first idol was Avril Lavigne. She still is a huge part of my life.

6. I am incredibly introverted and I hate talking to strangers in public, but here, all bets are off lol.

And here are my six awesome people I tag! :)

@xlovelydeadx @_Scarlet_Witch_ @RaeBlue @dulcecitah @swsbvb @WandaxMaximoff 

But I tag any and all my followers who want to take this challenge! These are just the ones I could list off :) This was so much fun! If any of you have other tags or challenges you like me to take, I'd love to! T

Also, tag me in your Triple Six challange! :) I'd love to see.

Love and Light,


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