Part 67: Tagged by @arymyth

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I got tagged by arymyth to do her tag she made, and I really loved the questions! Here goes nothing 😃


Q: What makes you uncomfortable or annoyed?

A: I'm really uncomfortable with hugs and physical touching. Just tonight someone tried to hug me and I'm like "ew no please don't" xD I also really don't like settings with people who expect me to be a certain thing, whether it be a mom or wife or anything like that. I really get annoyed with people making fun of veganism, too. And of course sexism, racism, blah blah blah, the usual. Those make me more angry than annoyed, though.

Shut up. You don't know what you're talking about.


Q: If you couldn't write for a month, what would you do?

A: Go absolutely nuts. Writing is more than a hobby, it's my passion. I couldn't live without it, not even for a month.


Q: What's your opinion on cursing? Why? What about censorship?

A: I don't have an opinion either way. I do think censorship is needed in some settings, with really little kids and whatnot, but guys they're going to see it someday. Don't be that parent who shields their kids from the world all their lives. From personal experience, trust me. It screws them up big time.


Q: What POV do you like to write in? Why?

A: First person is my best. I also like to write in present tense, using "says" instead of "said" and so on. I've only ever tried to write past tense and third POV a few times and I ALWAYS end up reverting to present tense and first person. I enjoy getting into the character's mindset, and I can only do that in first person.


Q: What's your secret guilty pleasure?

A: I don't really have a "secret" guilty pleasure xD I'm a pretty open book. I do love My Little Pony! I'm eighteen years old so I guess that might be strange to some xD


Q: What do you do to fall asleep?

A: I listen to nature sounds or piano music if I'm restless. I also have lots of pillows.


Q: If you had to choose between living in your favorite fandom universe or world peace, what would you pick?

A: Fandom universe hands down. Because even if there was momentary world peace, Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton would find a way to ruin it.


Q: What is your favorite clothing item?

A: I don't particularly have one that I own, but I LOVE hoodies. They're like clothing hugs!


Q: What makes you feel unstoppable?

A: Epic music and movie scores xD That's why I listen to them during writing. They make me feel like the heroes I write.


Q: What's your opinion on online quizzes?

A: I love them xD They can get addictive, though.


There you go! This one was super fun! If you have tags or questions you want me to answer, just comment them!

I tag:


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