Part 64: Tagged by @AleKai_314

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Okay, can I just say I did a little YAY-I-GOT-TAGGED dance xD Thanks so much for it, AleKai_314 !

I just want to preface this tag by saying that this will be very unconventional for most people, even in this world of acceptance of most sexualities. Though not all of the questions asked are about dating/marriage, 5/12 are, and that warrants an explanation before my answers.

I identify as grey-asexual. I am not, however, aromatic. They are not the same. Asexual means someone does not experience sexual desires. The grey part just means that there are very rare exceptions. Aromantic is someone who doesn't experience romantic feelings towards another person, which I have not as of yet, but I am capable.

Do not confuse asexual with abstinence. One is a choice. The other is not.

This may come as a surprise to some people, given the type of stories I write. I love writng about love. Love is everything I want to represent, and all asexual means is that I don't enjoy sex. I am, however, still a virgin. And yes. You can be asexual without having known sex.

In a day and age of straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, pansexual, and all those other sexualities being more openly accepted (shout out to my babes who identify as any of these and more!), asexuality should be nothing out of the ordinary.

This is what I identify as right now. It took me a while to come to terms with it, and it could change. I'm still growing. Still learning.

And no. Asexual's don't just hate people. Please, don't judge. There is nothing wrong with asexuals, just like all the other wonderful colors of the sexuality rainbow :) Shout out to you wonderful asexuals! < 3

That's the short explanation, but if you have more questions, PM me or comment and I'll be more than happy to answer :)

Okay, now onto the actual tag xD

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Q: Where is my dream honeymoon?

A: Probably somewhere in Europe. Somewhere like Paris or Venice or Rome or London. I'm in love with European cities.


Q: Do I want to get married?

A: Eh. Not really. I feel like my purpose on the planet is to help people, care for them, lift the planet's in every way I can, but I don't know if I'm meant to be married. He'd have to be one hell of a man.


Q: What is my favorite animal?

A: Wolf, dolphin, butterfly, and anything small and furry :3


Q: Who's my favorite actor/actress?

A: Tom Hiddleston, Hayley Atwell, Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Nathan Fillion, Jennifer Lawrence, Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, Emily Bett Rickards, David Tennant, Sebastian Stan, Jane Levy, Matt Damon, Scarlett Johansson, and Jim Carrey. I have too many xD


Q: If you could date anyone, who would it be?

A: *cough cough* Thomas William Hiddleston *cough* No one, why do you ask?


Q: Who are my three favorite authors on WattPad?

A: DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE. Ugh, fine. RaeBlue lovelypaws xxwinterschildxx . RaeBlue has an AMAZING Pietro fanfiction, lovelypaws has one of THE BEST Kylo Ren fanfictions, and xxwinterschildxx has two AMAZING Barry Allen aka the Flash stories! Check all their work out, pronto!

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