Part 77: Wisdom Teeth Part Three

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Wisdom Teeth Series
Part Three: Day 2

Day 2 was better than Day 1. I woke up at 3 p.m. with minor swelling, and took my swelling medication to calm it down as well as a Vicodin for the pain. I slept almost 12 hours. Unlike Day 1, I didn't bleed any overnight, and I still wasn't nauseous. My teeth still hurt, and I couldn't open my mouth too much and my jaw was sore, but I was feeling a little better than I was on Day 1.

Since I never really eat breakfast or lunch when recovering from this, my "breakfast" or mid-afternoon snack consisted of strawberry applesauce and vanilla vegan-yogurt.

For dinner, I had couscous and a glass of chocolate almond milk. With dinner, I took an Ibuprofen and a vitamin B pill that I always take with dinner (I had forgotten to take it on Day 1.) I also took another swelling pill with dinner, since you're supposed to take two when you wake up, one with dinner, and two before you go to bed on Day 2 of recovery.

Eating dinner was work in that I was eating couscous for the first time. If you don't know what that is, it's basically tiny pieces of pasta in garlic and rosemary spices. It's so good, but it was the least soft food I'd had since having the teeth taken out. It was fine; as long as I ate slowly, I was okay.

After dinner, I had a soft chocolate chip cookie that my sister had made and saved for me so that I could eat it when I was ready. She's the sweetest thing, I swear. I also made a Japanese soup I got off Pinterest for a "snack." The recipe will be below. This is the best soup in the world, you guys! You have to try it. It's so easy to make and is so delicious. If you're like me and you LOVE Japanese food, this soup will make your life!

As the soup was cooking, I made 16 ounces of watermelon juice. I will include the recipe below for that as well, but it's barely a recipe. It's so simple, and you don't need a juicer if you don't have one. I also made a vanilla and blueberry swirl "nice cream" for a late snack. I'll post the recipe for that as well, though I kinda did a remake of FullyRawKristina's recipe on her YouTube channel. It is slightly different, though. Hers was a smoothie. Mine is an ice cream take on the original.

One thing I cannot stress enough about this healing process is water. DRINK LOTS OF WATER. You really can't drink enough. You'll see what I mean. Water helps you heal and to keep your wounds free from germs building up on the scars.

Throughout the day, I was able to open my mouth a little farther without it hurting too badly. The swelling went down a lot thanks to the medication, and the itchyness stayed away as long as I took a 24-hours allergy pill once a day.

Still no retainer for that night, and I took another Vicodin for overnight to help me sleep, as well as another swelling pill. I know that all these pills seem like a lot, but it's just for a few days. Eventually, I'll start to spread them out and I won't need them as much, but trust me. For those first few days, you're going to need them. Wisdom teeth removal is labeled as a minor surgery for a reason. Just like any other surgery recovery, those pills are what you need :) Don't feel like they're bad or anything.

At the end of Day 2, I felt better than Day 1. I felt more rested, a little more healed, and the swelling was much better. All in all, it was a good day. Just keep resting and stay on top of your water and medication and you should be fine!

Love you guys so much!

Your friendly neighborhood author,
- SaveTheBrooklynBoys



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