Part 14: Countries To Visit?

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"If you had the opportunity to travel to three countries (besides my own, I'm guessing) totally free, where would you go and why?"

Thanks for the qiestion, dulcecitah! :)

I would soooo want to go to England. Oh my realms I have wanted to go there forever! The culture, the history, the accent is hotter than hell. Why wouldn't you want to go?

I would also love to visit Japan. I love anime and japanese food, so going there would be amazing. Pokemon, hello kitty, everything about that place seems amazing.

Third, I would love to visit one of the six, small countries that were formerly known as Yugoslavia. My family genealogy comes from there before the World Wars, and I've seen so many pictures, but I have never been. I just think it would be fascinating :) my family is from a country that doesn't exist anymore, and idk I think it's cool xD I'll post a picture above of a monument built there during Stalin's reign.

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