Chapter 17: Why Was She Broken?

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"What? Why was she broken?" Daryl asks me. "Skylar answer me please."

"She never told you?" I say, confused.


"She had a boyfriend named Dan, about maybe, 4 years ago? Well, he used to be the sweetest thing, always buying everything for her. But then he started drinking. Every day he would come home and beat Mel. It went on for a year until we found out. Shane and Rick went to Dan and Mel's house and beat Dan to a pulp. After that, she didn't trust anyone, until Samuel came along. You already know who he is. He was so helpful during the whole Dan thing, he was so sweet to Mel. Until, he started cheating on her everyday with different women, and even hitting her. Not as much as Dan did but he still did it. He would always go home drunk. And sometimes he wouldn't go home until the morning. Ever since I saw him walk onto the farm I wanted to kill that son of a bitch." I chuckle, but still tears escaped my eyes. I look up at Daryl, and he looks furious.

"I'm gonna kill him."


Me and Daryl get back to the prison, and he gets out of the car and goes into the prison, still furious.

I run as fast as I can, following him, and I see him pinning Samuel up against the prison wall.

"You son of a bitch!" He yells at Samuel.

"What did I do?" Samuel asks.

"Don't act all innocent! Skylar told me what you did to Mel!" He yells as everyone walks over.

"Well, she wasn't innocent. She did things, she deserved it." Samuel smirked, and that was it for Daryl. He punches Samuel in the face, grabbing his shirt and slamming him into the wall a couple of times, then throwing him onto the ground, kicking him in the stomach.

"Daryl, stop!" I yell. Daryl looks at me still furious.

Samuel coughs. "Why do you even care anymore about what happened in the past? She's dead! She's in hell! Burning for all the things she did!" Daryl punched him again in the face, knocking him out.

Daryl walks past me, "He deserved that beating." He says, not looking at anyone, walking out of the prison.

SISTER OF GRIMES ; DARYL DIXON [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now