Chapter One: The cruel one

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It was a cold and foggy night in the city, you were walking around the city while using your phone as a way to distract yourself from the outside world.

You were walking around minding your business while using your phone, a friend messages you and you checked the messages and respond to them:

Isa: Hey, you probably should head back to your place.

Sunny: Why?

Isa: There's been news about some creature roaming around, the police are advising people to stay in their homes to stay away from the beast.

Sunny: Well damn, I'll take your word and I will head back to my place.

As you were about to finish using your phone you heard a strange sound, it sounded like heavy breathing.

You followed the sound into an alleyway and you tried to look where the sound was coming from.

"Ah, look what we have here, some delicious prey!"

You look up and see two pink eyes glowing in the darkness looming above you, the creature jumps down making a few things shake around you.

The creature was tall, about seven feet tall, it had sharp pink teeth with long claws on its feet, it's long tail waved around making it seem very hypnotic to look at, it also had a fin coming out of the back of its jacket, it seemed like the back of the jacket was torn apart by the fin.

The creature walked towards you almost similar to how a zombie would walk, the beast was heavily breathing while making eye contact with you. Seeing the monster's movement made you feel uneasy, you slowly start to back up to try and find an exit route .

" Mmm, look at you, the perfect vessel to feast on, and you're very quiet too."

You grew silent, you tried to run but you couldn't move, you were frozen in fear not knowing what to do. The creature went up to you and put its claw right underneath your chin as it tilted your head up trying to look at you.

"What's wrong, cat got your tongue, you seem tense, am I scaring you?"

Chills run down your back as you look at the face of the creature, you can feel the creature's breath
going towards your face as you try to pull back from the creature.

"Oh don't even think about trying to escape, this will make it much more difficult to handle you."

You felt something warm and wet going up your legs, they seemed like pitch black tendrils that were coming out of a black puddle, it was grabbing your legs making it difficult to move away. You tried to use your arms to push away the beast but more tendrils appeared very quickly and pulled your hands back to prevent you from moving them.

"Hmm, I wonder how I'm going to deal with you, there's so many options, maybe I could slowly drain your essence while seeing you die painfully , or I can make it quick and tear your heart out?"

You shudder at the thought of dying and suffering, the creature was showing no mercy and it didn't hesitate to speak of your fate, you're choked up with anxiety and you try to get a word out of your mouth.

"P-please, just l-let me go"-

You try to speak and a tendril wraps around your mouth forcing your mouth shut. The feeling of the tendril on your face is very unpleasant and discomforting as you flinch from the quick contact the tendrils made across your face.

"I don't think I will let you go, I have a lot of things that have to deal with you."

The creature moves you closer to them, the creature grabs your face and looks at you with its pink eyes staring deep into your soul.

"I bet you have a lot more meat inside, it would make for a perfect meal."

The creature opened its jaw and a long tongue comes out of its mouth, its drool is dripping off of its tongue , the creature dragged its tongue across your neck, you jumped at the feeling of the creature's tongue going on your neck, you try pull yourself away but due to being restrained by the tendrils there is no way of escaping out of this nightmare.

The creature's tongue moved up slowly towards your face, you freeze from the feeling of the creature's tongue and you stood there in utter discomfort.

End of chapter one.

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