Chapter twelve: The heart of a tree

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As you were lying down in your bed you fell asleep and you were back in the dream world.

You woke up and felt something soft on your hands, you sat up and looked around, you were sitting in bed of grass as you tried to make out what you were seeing.

You were in a whole new location, you looked up and saw what seemed like the bottom of some sort of tree, there was a strange floating crystal that was above the ceiling and small tunnels of light were seeping into the ceiling from the crystal.

There were roots that formed some sort of barrier around this space, there was a few gaps that showed some parts of the outside world, all you could see was an empty dark void with the moonlight shining through the empty spaces, it made them look like windows.

You got up and walked around, there was a ton of space and it was very easy to move around, there were some fairy lights that were hanging on the roots of the tree, you felt a sense of peace as you explored the place.

You turned a corner and came across what looked like a small house, there was a garden at the front of the house, there were all sorts of plants and food that was growing, they seemed fresh like they had never rotted.

A strange woman was tending to the garden, she looked almost like one of spirits, she looked quite graceful as you watched her handle the garden gently.

The woman had big white feathery wings on her back, she wore a white dress that sparkled with golden glitter on it, she had a large sun hat on her head that had gorgeous white and yellow flowers on the side.

She turned her head and saw you, the woman slowly approached you and smiled as she looked at you.

"Oh my goodness, I was not expecting a visitor to come here!" The woman's voice was very gentle as she crouched down a bit to your size.

"Where am I? What is this place?" You asked the woman.

"You're at the heart of the forest, it's a sanctuary for preserving nature and forest animals, and this place also resides in a forest that belongs to a group called the proxies."

You were confused and you didn't know what to say.

"Proxies, what do you mean by that?" You replied.

"The proxies are a group of people that are sent to kill certain people, it's not pretty to see, slender told me that this base is for one of the proxies' old friends, I think her name was Isa if I'm not mistaken?"

You perked up a bit when you heard Isa's name, it caught you completely by surprise.

"Wait, Isa was friends with a bunch of murders, that makes no fucking sense, that's so messed up!"

Hearing the information made you feel sick from it, it was very disturbing to hear it and it confused you quite a bit.

"Isa didn't like that fact that the proxies did that stuff, they did understand and they still are friends with her regardless and they always check on her here at the heart of the forest, it was her favorite place to go to so she could decompress."

The woman placed her hand on your shoulder and you could feel how warm she was.

"It seems you're dreaming walking right now, you are in the heart of the forest but you're not physically here, that does mean no one can hear or see you, and you can phase through things!"

You decided to test that theory and went up to the front door of the house, you held your breath and walked into the door, you barely felt anything and when you opened your eyes you were in the house.

It was quite cozy inside, the soft warm light of a fireplace and lantern made the room feel very peaceful.

The woman followed and phased through the door, she looked around and smiled as she browsed through the small house.

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