Chapter nine: Hurtful truth

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You were fast asleep, you woke up and you were now back in the dream world.

This time it was more peaceful than last time, you seem to be in some sort of forest. You looked around and found glowing mushrooms, fireflies, wolves and many other things that made the forest feel alive.

The deer approached you and walked next to you, he followed and the way it walked made it look very graceful.

"It seems like we are now in the forest of souls, and memories,you're safe here!" The deer sounded happy as a smile appeared on its face.

You walked around and saw orbs of light on the branches of the trees, you wanted to grab one but you didn't want to so you could respect the dream world you were in.

"It's okay, you can grab one, those are memories of light, they're the memories from your life, when you grab one it will show your memories from your life or childhood." The deer looked at the light orbs and pushed you towards one of the trees.

You pulled out one of the light orbs off of a branch and smaller orbs came out from pulling off the orb from the branch. You looked in front of you and saw what looked like you and your friends. It was a memory being replayed of you hanging out with your friends online. You looked happy at this moment.

You smile at the sight of the memory and you see the orb in your hand turning into smaller ones, the orbs of light floating into the air and it attached to the branch you pulled it from, the orb quickly forming on the branch and reappeared.

Seeing those memories makes you feel warm and happy again, you keep looking at more memories and you laugh at a few of them. It gave you a sense of joy knowing that everything during those times made you feel whole again.

As you were about to go and grab another memory orb you heard a strange noise from afar.

It sounded like someone was in pain, you quickly ran deeper into the forest and saw someone hunched over on their knees, something didn't feel right about this.

"Hey, a-are you ok?" You asked the person while stuttering.

The person didn't respond back, all that you could hear was heavy breathing and gurgling sounds coming from them. You noticed that the person's body had a deep purple color and everything clicked.

You quickly stepped back and you slowly tried to walk back to where you were before.

"Sunny, don't leave me, I think you should stay."
You heard Isa's voice coming from the corrupted creature, it sounded very distorted.

The creature snapped its head towards the back of its neck, the way its head turned to look at you made you feel uncomfortable, you could finally see the creature's face.

It was Isa, her face looked hideous, her wide eyes and smile made you feel a true sense of fear as a black drool dripped from her mouth.

You froze and you couldn't move, seeing Isa's body contorting in different directions made you sick as you heard the sound of flesh and bones cracking while her limbs snapped in many ways.

"You will never leave me Sunny, and I will make sure you never leave me!"
Isa still smiled while crying as she spoke, dark red tears flowed out her eyes it looked like blood.

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