Chapter Two: The lair

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The creature pulled its tongue back into its mouth as you see drool dripping from the monsters mouth, it filled you with disgust knowing the creatures true colors.

"I think I should take you somewhere more private so I can deal with you, and it will make it a lot easier to keep you out of sight from anyone."

Your entire body is filled with fear, you look around to try and look for any other signs of people, you look up and see two golden yellow eyes staring at you from a rooftop ,the mysterious shadow held it finger up to its mouth signaling you to stay calm and silent.

You quickly look back at the creature and you stayed quiet, you do your best to not let the monster see the person.

The creature looked at you and you felt something sharp quickly hit your shoulder, you looked up and saw what appeared to be a woman with limbs resembling a spider coming out from the woman's back, the woman had one of the legs pierced into your shoulder, the woman pulled out the leg and whispered something to you.

"Sweet dreams, enjoy your nap."

Things around you started to look blurry, your eyes grew heavy and you ended up passing out as you shut your eyes close.

Time passes and you start to slowly open your eyes, your vision is slightly blurry but you were able to see the exact shadow from before, it walks up to you.

As this strange person comes out of shadows you start to see their appearance.

The person looked like a dog , they had a short curled tail and dark fur covering their body, their body seemed a bit chubby, they had fur on their chest, two green horns were coming out from their head, you see a green swirl pattern on their legs and arms, they had dark brown hair in a ponytail while two strands of hair dangled over the creature's shoulders.

You noticed something that seemed familiar about the beast's appearance, you see them wearing glasses and shoes that were covering the creatures paws, they were also wearing jacket with green and black colors on it while wearing baggy pants.

"Omg, Sunny, thank god you're alive, I had to make sure that the coast was clear to check on you!"

The voice you heard sounded familiar, however you're still disoriented from gaining consciousness, as you let the voice process through your mind it finally clicks.

"Omg, Isa, is that you?"

You slowly start to regain your vision and you see Isa's face in your view, the sight of what seemed like a dog catches you off guard, you look at her face and see her brown eyes staring back at you.

"Isa, what's happening, where am I and why are you a dog, can you please explain what is going on?"

You say out loud to Isa in utter confusion and desperation.

"Hey, calm down, you're making too much noise, I will explain everything I promise!"

You started to hear the sound of loud and heavy footsteps in the distance, a sense of dread flooded into you and the realization hits that the beast from before is returning.

"Crap, I have to hide, I'm sorry Sunny, when the coast is clear again I will try and get you out, I'm also going to bring reinforcements okay, just hang tight!"

Isa runs away and goes into what seems like a large tunnel, she looks back you with a comforting expression as she walks away into the tunnel.

You turn your head as you start to see the shadow of the creature appearing on the wall, it seems that you're trapped underground somewhere.

You try to move but something is restraining you, you see what looks like some sort of strong and heavy material holding you up onto the wall, it feels like sludge, but it also had a slight wet and sticky texture.

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