Chapter eight: Sickening pain

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I layed on my bed and I could feel my body aching as I struggled to move, it felt like my entire body was going to crumble.

I looked at my paws and saw small patches of a dark purple on my paw pads. I saw pink lines and veins on my paws. I got up and I grabbed my phone.

I called Viran and I waited for them to answer, Viran picked up the phone and they answered.

"Hello Isa, why are you calling me at this time, you should've been down in the lab by now!"

Viran's voice sounded quite stern and I could hear that Viran was clearly losing their patience.

"I'm sorry Viran but I need a couple days off, the corruption is getting worse and it's taking a toll on my body, I need time to heal." My voice shook a bit as I struggled to speak.

"I can hear it in your voice, Isa, I think I have been too hard on you, the corruption is affecting your body and it's the most important thing you should focus on so it won't go out of control."
Viran's voice went down and became a bit more tame.

"I'm going to allow you to have a break, if that corruption starts getting worse we might have to come up with a plan to slow it down and get rid of it." Viran was speaking calmly while still having a stern sound in their voice.

As Viran and I spoke on the phone we finish our conversations and we hung up on each other.

My body was shaking as I tried to ground myself. I could see my reflection as I saw some parts of my fur turning into a dark purple color. I felt horrible knowing that the corruption was spreading fast across my body and it made me feel horrible.

I decided to find a way to distract myself from thinking about the corruption spreading.

I got up and went into one of my rooms. It was a workshop filled with all sorts of tools for cutting and carving wood. I picked up a log that was in a box and I grabbed a tool and started removing the bark from the wooden log.

The feeling of the tool cutting through the wood felt very relaxing. The bark was completely off of the wood and I started to carve the wood into a shape.

I felt at peace, the sight of the wood taking shape from carving it helped keep my mind at ease, I paused and looked at the carved wood.

"I think I could turn this into something, I think I know what I can turn it into." I said to myself as I grabbed some other tools.

I started carving some facial shapes and fins on the piece of wood, I kept carving and I could see the wood being perfectly carved into a fish.

The fish looked magnificent and the way it was precisely carved made it look like it was jumping out of water. It made the figure feel alive like it was captured in real time.

I started carving all sorts of details and textures into the sculpture and it felt rewarding to see the details being carved out gently. It made it a soothing experience.

I stopped and cleaned off some of the wooden shavings from the sculpture and made sure that were no chips of wood showing so I wouldn't end up with a splinter

As I was going to prepare to sand down the sculptures a horrible migraine started and it was very painful. I got up and stumbled trying to look for a healing elixir. I rushed to the medicine cabinet and started frantically looking for any healing potion.

I saw the corruption spreading across my fur as it changed it from black to a deep purple. It felt like I was losing my balance and I struggled to move my body around.

All I could feel was rage and pain in my body, I fell down to my knees and I blacked out, I could sense my body getting bigger and I could barely see anything.

I realized that I couldn't control myself anymore and that the corruption was showing no mercy to my body. I couldn't see any more and I lost all of my strength and senses as I accepted my own fate.

End of chapter eight.

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