Chapter three: Let that go

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Your body felt heavy, you couldn't tell how long you have been asleep, you start to hear the sound of muffled voices and you start to slowly open up your eyes, your vision is quite fuzzy as its trying to make out what you were seeing in your field of view.

Your vision slowly starts to clear up, you see woman sitting next to you, the bright light of the sun from the window blinds you, the woman was speaking with a man that was sitting on the floor next to a bed.

Seeing these two peoples appearances made everything click, you have seen these two people before, it was the man and woman that came from the open manhole. You see the woman turn her head looking back at you in silence.

It seems that the woman was wearing a beanie as her hair was covering her eyes.

"Omg, Garcy, she's awake!"

The silence was broken from the woman's voice, she sounded stunned and relieved, she moved a bit closer to you as she was going through some sort of drawer next to a nightstand.

"You should check on her Annie, we have to make sure that she doesn't have any parasites in her!" The man said in a soft deep voice .

Annie quickly responded to the man's instructions and opened your eye gently, Annie examined your eye carefully, after she examined your eye she took off the bandage that was on your neck and examined the bite wound.

"I checked Garcy, she has the parasites in her, her eyes are starting to turn black, we need to have her drink this elixir quickly!"

You see Annie open up a vile that had a blue glowing liquid in it, she poured a red liquid into it and shook the vile gently as the liquid turned into a lavender color.

"You won't like this but you have to drink this elixir, it will do something that will make you sick on purpose, it may not feel good but you have no other option."

You grabbed the vile gently with no hesitation, you drink the glowing liquid as you shudder a bit from the cold feeling of it going down.

You softly spoke to ask Annie a question.

"What's going on and why did you make me drink that?"

Annie responded calmly to your question.

"That elixir is going to force something out of your body, it won't feel good when it hits but it's what you have to deal with, and you also you're currently in the recovery hall, you've been resting since we rescued you last night."

You notice Annie was holding a bucket, she looked liked she was bracing for something.

You started to feel nauseous and you quickly snatched the bucket out of Annie hands, all you could hear was the sound of something heavy hit the inside of the bucket, the feeling of a slimy consistency coming out of your mouth sickened you, you finished puking your guts out as you slowly tilted your head back up.

Your vision was blurry from the tears that were filling your eyes from gagging, your vision stared to clear up and all you saw was what looked like a black puddle.

It was thick and it looked like sludge, you looked closer and noticed small pink dots in the black puddle, the dots seemed to look like tiny little eyes, you paused and realized what you were looking at, they were eggs and they were alive, the sight of each and every one of them squirming around made you feel disgusted.

More liquid started coming out of your mouth, it had the color of a deep purple,it was more watered down than what you puked up previously.

"Sorry, those are the side effects of drinking the elixir, it makes sure that every single trace of the parasite eggs are wiped out of your gut, here let me take away that bucket!"

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