Chapter seven: Settling down

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A few days have passed, it felt like time flew by, you were finally given permission to leave and you were very grateful for all of the people who took care of you including Isa.

Isa was kind enough to give you a room to stay in while taking shelter at the Okra base.

You walk into the room and wisps of light and colors make the walls glow and shine, the sight of the golden light shining around the room felt like you were living in a true fantasy, before your eyes the entire room was fully transformed, you felt a fuzzy feeling of joy as you watched the whole space come to life, a fire spirit appeared in the fireplace and waved at you while it was giggling happily, many other aphasia spirits appeared giving you a warm welcome.

The room was colorful yet not to bright, it felt very cozy as you look around and place your belongings in front of a closet.

You watched the closet open and wisps of light picked up all of your things and arranged everything perfectly in a quick organized fashion.

"There's no need to worry about having to deal with the closet, it will sort all your clean clothes and place them where they belong!" Isa sounded very excited to talk about everything that remains in your new room.

You stepped back and watched the closet do it's work and you decided to look around your new space.

There were all sorts of things that you could see, there were even live animals in your room, you saw a lizard climbing up the tree bark walls, there were blue jays and crows perched on branches.

Seeing the whole room being filled with life makes you feel like you were living in a forest. You watched as all of the spirits came up to you as they spun around you with excitement, all of these spirits made you feel welcomed and happy.

The deer spirit appeared and was nuzzling a rabbit spirit, the deer looked very pleased as it looked around your new room.

You turn to look at Isa and you notice something seemed off about her, she had dark circles under her eyes, it looked like she hadn't gotten any sleep, she walked around and a tiny little wisp spirit approached her, the spirit was at the high of Isa's knees, it looked like the wisp spirit is a child.

"Isa, you look sleepy, are you okay?" The wisp spirit said in a cute high pitched voice.

"I'm fine, I just have been very busy lately." Isa answered back as she petted the wisp spirits head.

Isa sat down on the floor and smiled, she was shaking a bit, you tried to keep looking around your room and heard the sound of coughing.

You turned and saw Isa coughing up blood, you could see that a bit of Isa's eyes were slightly black, the spirits quickly gathered and they went straight into action.

A raccoon spirit put it's little paws on Isa's chest and it paws started to glow, a possum brought a bottle of the elixir and Isa quickly opened it and drank it, the elixir immediately took affect and the spirits used their magic to catch the parasite eggs as Isa coughed them up, Isa looked like she was in pain, the sight of her coughing up the parasite eggs and blood made you feel terrible for her.

You grew silent and decided to step back to let Isa have some time to collect herself as you sat on your bed watching her suffer, seeing how exhausted and overwhelmed she was made you feel sad for her, Isa finished getting all the eggs out of her and she sat there while shaking, she sat close to the fire place and the fire spirit got to work and made some of the flames go up a bit.

"Is Isa going to be okay?" You asked the deer as your voice became a bit more quiet.

"I don't know, she's been constantly overworking herself and she's been working in the lab a lot, I'm guessing that an accident happened and some parasite eggs got in her."
The deer sounded concerned as it looked at Isa, the deer could sense how miserable Isa was.

"Wait,a lab, she works in a lab, that sounds dangerous, I wonder what she does there?"
You asked with curiosity, you're now wanting to hear more from the deer.

Isa looked at you and answered.

"I'm afraid I'm not allowed to discuss it Sunny, it's a very strict rule I must follow, no one is allowed to know what we do in the lab and if someone finds out what is there Viran will not be happy about it."
Isa sounded serious and didn't hesitate to answer, her voice sounded empty like she was not putting any emotion or energy into her words.

You understood that Isa wanted to keep her business private so you stopped yourself from asking anymore questions so you wouldn't invade her privacy.

"I'm going to head to my room and rest for a bit."

Isa slowly got up and looked like she was stumbling as she was walking towards the door and it opened for her, she walked out and you were now by yourself.

You sat there in silence as you let yourself process everything that you saw, you looked around and you decided to wind down by watching all of the spirits and animals that were roaming around.

You felt exhausted and you decided to let yourself rest and you started to set up the bed so you could sleep.

You laid down onto your bed and you started to drift off as you closed your eyes.

End of chapter seven.

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