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I watched with a stature corrupted in anxiety, yet a rare dash of anger. Feeling controlled and forced to give Louis the codes was maddening. My eyes flickered to Harry's livid ones for a tiny fraction of time, in which Louis's company was already advancing forward.

"Touch me," I start lowly, "And I will scream so loudly we'll never get out of here."

We're in public. This surrounding, of various witnesses and security guards, was perfect for such exchange. Nothing could go wrong, and I just knew maybe this is why Harry chose the airport.

"I want the codes. You could probably leave now, but I'll find you later. And then I will kill him," he casually explains, nodding to Harry, "And I will leave you to spare and suffer."

"Barbaric," I mutter. This courage came from anger. From betrayal. I've been lied to so many times that regardless, I feel this sense of fury. I can't see myself choosing any sides. Not my father's, not Harry's, and not Louis's. Surely not Fray's. It's always been about me.

Louis's mouth twitches into a grin for a second, before he exhales and hums, "Yes, it is. Not too hard to pull off either."

Harry moves me behind me again, which consists of his hand holding mine. Even more anger courses through my body at his touch or his audacity to even try and take over the conversation. I'm overall pissed.

"Quite irritating, all this chatter, isn't it?" Harry spits angrily, glare so sharp it cuts the tension to pieces, only to multiply it. "She will give you the codes. Then you leave. Got it, Tomlinson?"

No room for my protest as Louis raises his hands in defense. The man wears an all black attire, with his hair slick back. The darkness intensifies his cruel humor and the way it glistens in this blue eyes.

"That's what we planned," he states. "That's why I'm here."

I watch Harry with such darkness, and he notices, but doesn't react. He moves me forward where Louis passes me a note pad and a ballpoint pen. The glower that miserably remains on my face intensifies the minute I start writing numbers down.

My jaw clenches as I pass it back to him. Harry latches his hand with mine instantly, pulling me back. I have been fuming inside my mind, ready to show Harry what's really going on in my mind after his very last lie. This is the last time he'll pull anything like this.

"Thank you," Louis grins happily, though it's menacing and superficial. "I hope these are the right codes. If there is so one mistake, I will send my best people to murder any future you both have together."

He threatens with a smile. Psycho. As he promises, he leaves the airport in the time which I try to calm myself down. When he has fully disappeared from our sight, I snatch my hand away from Harry's with an unbelievable amount of resentment.

Harry turns around and looks at me. "Those were the right codes, right?"

My eyes turn into slits. I can't believe he's more focused on the codes rather than the lie he just fucking put me through! I inhale sharply and my nostrils flare viciously when I exhale. "I don't know, maybe they were but there's no fucking way I'm telling you."

I turn hastily and start to walk away.

"Hey," he calls after me, following my steps as I turn a corner. "You've got nowhere else to go, Cata. Stop this shit."

With my back to him, I shift my jaw in restlessness and fury. I roll my eyes and turn without hesitation. His blazing eyes focus on my own. We both struggle to maintain a cool temperature. Good thing is, we're quite hidden from the people at this point.

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