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        note// because you guys are amazing, i updated again. (: thank you for reading. longer chapter for you guys because i really want to get to the really good parts, too.

        The comfort, warmth of my bed failed to be sufficient for rest. I couldn't close my eyes and stop my brain from continuing to over think. Sometimes people aren't meant to be saved. Zayn's words are imprinted on my brain like a tattoo. Permanent and on occasions regretting.

        I sighed heavily and turned on my back, staring at the ceiling. The moonlight illuminated the bedroom, my eyes having adjusted to the lack of light. Sometimes I think to myself that life isn't even worth it. The same old thing every single day. I wonder why God made other's luckier than some of us. I wondered how he made it so easy for them, but so harsh and painful for us. 

        Pain is like rain. It is long and heavy, sometimes a hazard to your safety. It produces beauty afterwards. It makes rainbows and gives life to all of us. It contributes to our lives, makes us who we truly are. It comes around often, and then leaves behind an ugly sky, and with time it reveals a beautiful beam of sunlight and color.

        I tried to fall asleep, tossing around for hours. I peered at the digital clock by the end table, seeing it read one AM. With frustration, I buried my face into my pillow. In ten minutes, or what felt like it, my eyes began to feel heavy. My breath slowed down, my bones tiresome and lazy. I felt content for a second until the blast of a loud sound cracked through. 

        I shot up with my breath in my throat. My eyes flew open and I stumbled to get out of my bed. It was a bullet. Sounds clear and as terrifying as those are bullets. The sounds I heard back in the small consession store. Bare feet on wood, I sprinted towards the door.

        Before I opened it, Paige had been on the other side and burst through it. Our wide eyes met each other. She seemed to be walking perfectly fine, evidently assuring me she was lying about being injured. She breathed out, "What was that?" 

        Terror controlled me as I quietly said, "It sounds like a bullet."

        Chills rushed up my spine, leaving trails of goosebumps to spread across my skin. Suddenly, there were footsteps and shouts following from down the hallway. I grabbed Paige's arm and pulled her into my bedroom, shutting the door quickly and locking it. I frantically ran with her into the closet, for the safety of us both. 

        Paige covered her mouth as yelling and things crashing to floors, glass bursting followed. I did the same with both hands, crouched in the dark closet. We both heard the doorknob of my bedroom begin to shake roughly, a loud slam of a hand followed by yells to open the door. I couldn't recognize the voice under so much fear and terror, but Paige quickly opened the closet door and began to crawl out.

        I reached over and grabbed her leg, trying to stop her. She kicked me off and shook her head, hissing, "It's Zayn!"

        I heard a slam and suddenly a raspy, loud, and angry voice screamed, "Zayn! Have you got any idea who fired that bullet!?" 

        "Not a clue, man! Paige isn't in her bedroom and Catalina's room is locked." 

        Soon, I heard Harry's voice and a slam on the door. "Open up, Catalina!"

        Paige stumbled and stood with a bit of struggle. With fumbling fingers, she inhaled deeply and opened the bedroom, swinging the door fast. Immediately, she through herself into Zayn's arm. Quite stunned, he reacted slowly before attempting to comfort her by wrapping his arms around her in assurance. 

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