♡❣Hanako's Treat, Ch. 2❣♡

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(Well, Hello hello! Today it might have tsukasa x reader(?), Please enjoy if you can!)


After a little hours, Hanako stopped. "Ha- Hanako?" I panicked a little. Why did he stop? "You should get home, Y/n." He say. He looked very worried, Maybe my mother will get worried of me. So I understood his words. "O- oh! Well sorry. My mom were in a flight with my dad, So they're in a plane for a few days. Or
Weeks" I mean, It's true. My mom said she is gone in a flight for some work reasons... But I smiled at hanako. "Oh, That's great then." Hanako smiled after his words. Me and him smiled together. And hanako grabbed my hand pulled it into his back. Attempting to let me hug him, And I did. I was pretty happy..

{Time skipped by yours truly(⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧}

Me and hanako were walking in the halls. I looked at hanako and he looks away with a hint of flush. His hands were trying to hold mine. So I smirked. I hold his hand and he looked at me, Surprised that I actually noticed his urge. "Y-Y/n?" Hanako said. "Your hands are sweaty!" I said, So I can tease him. But suddenly a voice came into our behind. Tsukasa.
"Amane, Y/n-chan, What are you two doing and holding hands?" He said it with a grin. Hanako was shocked. And turned around to face him. I didn't had any reaction since I knew his twin. But it did scared me a little bit.

"What is it that you want." Hanako smiled. I knew his just faking his smile just to make his brother excited. "Oh, Well I want you Amane, of course! And you. Y/n-chan!" He turned to me walking towards us. I jumped and wide my eyes. He noticed it. "Y/n-chan,... Are you perhaps... Scared at me?" He said his words i WAS scared because he grabbed my shoulders as he said his words. He looked at me with a scary big smile. His eyes were full black. I didn't know what was in his mind. So I backed up. Tsukasa giggled. "You are a softie type, Aren't ya?" He said it loudly which made me jump because of my fear of him, Hanako was standing there... Having no reaction. For some reason I felt like tsukasa had a liking on me. When I first met him he did say "Your kind of cute like Amane!" So... I was on Hanako's back my fear was on my face. Tsukasa was just looking at me, Giving a confused face. I was thinking something weird might happen again. Tsukasa grabbed my hand and pulled me to his chest. Saying "Amane! Amane! You look like her!" He said it childishly. "I guess we do, Huh." Hanako was looking at me. Had a another hint of flush, Looking to my eyes.

Tsukasa was thinking and said "Ooh, Ooh! What about we play a game?" A game? what type of game? So I said "What game?" silence was starting to get awkward until tsukasa said "Well, How about hide and seek?" Tsukasa grinned, Hanako was not surprised about their childhood game. But I was. Hanako knew what was tsukasa's planning, Tsukasa said "Amane will be the seeker, And me and y/n-chan will be the hiders!" I was looking at him he looked like his really a kid. An evil one. So Amane counted as he give me an signal, Tsukasa twitched my head and says "Follow me, Y/n-chan." He said it with a scary face. I followed him, It was a old broadcasting room, I knew this room. This is where me and Sakura met. I snapped of tsukasa's words. "You and Amane are dating, Right?" He was scary, I said "N-no! Why would I date Hanako-kun?" "Well you two were holding hands, So it was pretty obvious you two are dating." Now he was normal. "B-but I was only holding hands with him s-so I can tease him!" I was worried that he might kill me or something.

"Oh! Then, How about I hold your hand? Since you might be my sister in law,..

Soon..." He paused for a bit and said soon? What does he mean by that? "What do you mean by that, Exactly?" I was giving him confused face. Tsukasa said "Oh! Nothing, Nothing to be worried about!" He hold my hand as he spoke. I wide my eyes. Tsukasa was kind of cute. Kind of cute in person. But I tried not to get distracted by his looks, I had to get out of here or before, Tsukasa might trap me to their room! I was looking around thinking or planning so I can distract tsukasa. But tsukasa, he knew what I was planning so he grabbed my face and looks at me, Saying "Y/n-chan. I know what your planning but, I won't let it go smoothly." he kissed me in the peck then let go his scary face fades away into a smile. I was terrified.

After minutes hanako still hadn't caught us.
Tsukasa shakes my shoulder and I turn around and see him saying "Hm?", Tsukasa said "Hey, Y/n-chan. Do you think Amane will find us?" He questioned me. I answered "Maybe? I don't know.", "Well if you don't know... Then .. maybe we'll have a fun alone time together." He was creepy looking... I said "What do you mean?..." I was scared, Tsukasa pats my head. Then grabbed my hands and chained it up. "T- Tsukasa-kun?! what are you doing to me?" I was shaking in terror. "Make you suffer, Of course!" He said it with a smile. Then.. Hanako appeared.

To be continued.

Yo!! HELLO! I know you all have been waiting, Well anyways, Enjoy!

~1001 words

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